Let's see your target 22 semi-automatic pistols

Mar 20, 2011
Piedmont/Triad, NC
I see lots of threads on "lets see this and that" guns, but I don't think I've seen one on 22 target pistols.
My best friend (DudeDog) who lives in CA knew of my impending hand operation and sent me a S&W 22A1 target 22 for Christmas this year knowing I won't be able to shoot anything else afterwards for a while.

Thank you my friend!

What I didn't know was the rabbit hole I was about to jump into.

I've never had a decent 22 target gun so this started me down a road not well traveled.

This S22A1 shot really well. 20241213_104312 (2).jpg 7yds with 30 rounds, I quit while I was ahead.

Myself, my Son and my Grandsons all love this thing and I ended up having to buy another target 22 so as to ease who gets to shoot what at the range.

DudeDog told me it wasn't his fault and he's not responsible for any additional purchases I have to make from him sending me this. LOL!

I've since bought a Browning Buckmark and made it my own by putting in a Tandomkross trigger system in it and Compensator on the threaded barrel. Lightened it up to around 3.5lbs

So, Let's see your Target 22s,

I have seen some real works of art from my friends on here and other places. So I think this may be interesting.

These are the ones I have. S22A1 from DudeDog
S&W 22 A.jpg

And the Buckmark I just bought and modified with Tandomkross trigger parts and compensator. I need to get some decent targets from it, haven't been able to do much with it due to work. It's going to the range with me tomorrow with the S&W to get some velocities from the loads I use.

tandomkrosss trigger system.jpg
I don't know yet which is more accurate, I haven't had the Buckmark long enough to get a good read from it. It has it's work cut out for it in keeping up with that S&W.
I've been stocking up on 22 ammo because it may be the only thing I can shoot with my right hand for a long time after Feb 11th when I have my thumb joint at my wrist replaced/rebuilt.

Let's see what you got!
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You guys have some beautiful guns, keep them coming.

They are very very nice, IMHO of course, but I like it every bit as much as my S&W-41. Don't hesitate to pick one up if a good deal comes along.
I will keep an eye out for them, now that I know what they are.

It's a Hammerli in a cheap suit, lol.

I'm on the lookout for one. 😊
I thought that looked familiar but I couldn't pin it down. I was hung up on Walthers CSP model, so Hamerli must be making the CSP or some iteration of it, for Walther and for Sig.

https://waltherarms.com/firearms/csp I'll definitely be on the lookout for one of those or the Hamerli/Walther.

I wanted a Model 41 Smith at first but I decided to go with a browning instead, I couldn't find anyone around here with a model 41 new or used, and I didn't feel like dropping $1700.00 on a new one, at the time.
That mood is slowly changing.
I wanted to look at the Hamerli's but I decided to look at the Brownings before my wife's mood changed. ;)
An old pic of my current "target" 22. The CWA upper is now on a Springfield frame. 9088E15C-75F8-45F5-978B-EED6DA8052BD.jpeg
I also currently have a Sig 322 which is surprisingly accurate with ammo it likes. Lots of good choices out there.
Over the years I've owned a bunch of what I would consider target 22s - S&W 41's and 617's, Hammerli and Benneli competition pistols, many Ruger MK series and a few different 1911 conversions (prefer Nelson's).
My small collection of MkIIs

MkIIs IMG_4339 blurred.jpg

Both the 5.5" and the 6-7/8" now wear Houge finger-groove thumb-rest rubber grips. Not as pretty but more practical. It pained me to set aside those wooden Altamonts, but they didn't fit my hand well even after I filed down an objectionable squarish edge on the right grip under the middle finger.

I really like the old Volthane on the 10" but that grip seems to have been out of production for a long time. I tried a MkIII Volquartsen grip I got on Ebay on the 6-7/8" and it was nothing like the old one. Didn't like it much. I suppose I should fire a couple hundred rounds for score with it and the Houge to be sure that it actually works worse, but it feels weird to me so that's all I really care about...
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A few of my .22 target pistols. Love .22 anything, rifles, pistols or revolvers. I have a High Standard 104, a Ruger MKII target, Browning Medalist, and a few more, I don’t have pictures of. Out of them all, the Hammerli 212, is my favorite. It is on a whole different level of fit and finish. I own many .22s, rifles, pistols, revolvers, even an Anschutz Exemplar and a RPM XL Hunter, break open single shot, with a .22 barrel. I like my .22 rimfires the most of all my guns. The older ones especially. Back in the day, manufacturers put as much effort, maybe more, effort in their rimfires, as they did center fires. One of the most overlooked .22 rimfire pistols is the Browning, Belgium made Challengers. They are well made, well fitted and finished, just a beautiful little pistol. They are well worth a look and can be found for a reasonable price.
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