You might try a holster shirt like one from 5.11. Never tried one myself, but they seem like they would be good for a run. Might allow you to carry a bigger gun.
No offense, I mean this honestly... why did you even bother to reply to this thread? I mean, I specifically said that if your only input was to say something snarky about me needing a bigger gun, to save your breath (see below).I wouldn't get a lightweight gun. I'd recommend a better holster. If you're worried about getting shot, then get a Ballistic vest...or run on a treadmill.
I truly wonder what kind of person takes the time and energy to click on 'reply to thread' and type out a response, then click on the post reply button, knowing full well that their comment is immaterial to the topic of discussion. Would you do this in real life? If a group of co-workers were having a discussion about which porsche is best, would you waste the time to interrupt and tell them that a GMC 1/2 ton pickup is the best porsche? Maybe I'm assuming too much, and you are so drastically removed from the concept of exercise, physical fitness and exertion that you honestly don't realize that your suggestions to wear ballistic armor, or carry a 20+ oz. gun on a 20-30 mile run is impractical. I'm going to go with that assumption, as the other alternative is to assume you're just a troll.And please, if your only input will be to tell me how a .32 or .22 mag isn't big enough for self defense, please save yourslf the effort unless you can suggest a similar weight gun chambered in something bigger.
It's so small and light, you forget it's even there.
Based on the OP's neighborhood and time of day description, I second the treadmill idea.Just thinking out of the box. If the neighborhood is THAT dangerous, the money you spend on a new gun + ammo, could be used for a treadmill. I train on a treadmill (at the gym) mostly because I hate having to stop at street crossings, etc. and partly the safety factor (not just crime but wayward cars). I remember seeing some basic treadmills for less than $200 at a fitness store sale.
I am no expert but a low-powered gun (sub-9mm), that you need to pull out and threaten the attacker(s) with (who has a gun(s), in your scenario, and the element of surprise), could make the situation worse and give you a false sense of security/firepower.
Check out a Ruger LCP (My carry weapon)
If you can manage to work your way up to even 1 mile every other day, you'll be amazed at how much more energy you have, how much better you sleep, how much weight you lose, and most importantly (at least to me) how much your sex life improves
Its all in HOW you carry it.
I usually carry a Ruger SR9 when I'm running (if I'm carrying) but today, I opted for a pocket carried LCP. The LCP is a much lighter and smaller gun, but it was much less enjoyable than the larger gun carried IWB.
I'd look into the LCP, or an equivalent .380. Maybe you can find a small 9mm.
If the area is as bad as you make it sound, it may be worth carrying the extra weight of a larger gun, if you feel you're going to be likely to need it.
Hope this helps:
Chris "the Kayak-Man" Johnson
Lightest handgun available (for CCW while running)