Lipsey's Mountain Gun


Feb 4, 2011
I see Lipsey's has reintroduced the N-frame Mountain Gun in .44 Mag. Looking at the online pictures, the hammer and trigger are shown in a silver color. Anyone know if Smith has resumed flash chroming the internals? Always thought it a nice touch.
Seriously doubt the parts are anything but MIM. BTW, it's advertised as not having the internal lock.
They should make the 45 Colt version too….not that I am in the market.


Nice touch on having no lock. Wonder why they can’t do away with it altogether if they could do it for this one model. I’m not sure if this is the only exposed hammer revolver that has been produced in the lock era with no lock.
I have an original, and won't replace it. But, were they to make a .45 Colt, I'd be all over that like white on rice.
As regards not fluting the cylinder on a Mountain Gun, it looks cool (my 629 Hunter has that), but it kind of defeats the purpose, yes? 😳
My thoughts exactly. If you’re trying to save ounces, fluted cylinders make the most sense. I just love the barrel profile on the 629.
instead of trying to find a 44 mag mountain revolver, i picked up a mint condition 624 with a 4" in .44 special at a very good price. i know its not a .44 mag, but i,m running a 240 hard cast at 900 fps and have shot clean thru a decent size doe end to end at 40 yards


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S&W is firing shots at Colt I see. If Colt didn't start making revolvers again and slowly but surely started to knock S&W off the thrown, I highly doubt S&W would have budged on the IL. Colt, Taurus, and now S&W put out some new toys; I'm waiting to see if Ruger responds with a Security Six or other new revolvers...

S&W is firing shots at Colt I see. If Colt didn't start making revolvers again and slowly but surely started to knock S&W off the thrown, I highly doubt S&W would have budged on the IL. Colt, Taurus, and now S&W put out some new toys; I'm waiting to see if Ruger responds with a Security Six or other new revolvers...

Henry and Kimber also. Definitely put pressure on them as no one really liked the way the lock was done.