Looking for Setup-Plans for Lead Shotmaker

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Uncle Richard

Jan 1, 2012
Several of us our buying Jim Stewarts Better Shotmaker and are looking for a punch list and or plans to set the machine up. Plans would include, how to set up a recirculation, type and size of pump, coolant, screens, holding tank, etc.

Any help would be appreciated.
Me & a buddy had a Littelton .

We had it mounted on a table welded to a stainless sink (small but deep) dripped onto a plate at 45 angle rollin off 1/2" into trans fluid (kept the shot nice & round) over flow was caught & recycled after emptying sink.

We opted to dip & drain the shot , but could open the drain & let it flow into a bucket(big plastic ball valve was the only valve that would`nt catch a shot when closed to change buckets.

All this was started at 28 in. hi wound up bout 40 to have clearance for 5gal buckets(avaibilty) but DO NOT fill em full !!

Happy drippin to you my friend !
Thanks GP for the tips. I found someone locally that makes shot who is going to teach me this fall. I would like to get set up.

Im not sure what size screens to get? 7.5 shot is 0.095". I would need 2 screens, one a little bigger and one a little smaller.
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