Louisville Slugger, pick handle or crowbar?

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A pool que

Isn't that the line to get into the pool? :p

Way back in my paramedic days I got called to a bar where the hostess had tried to take the keys away from a drunk, the drunk produced a gun, and the bouncer whacked him on the back of the head with a pool cue. The gentleman was nearly dead when we got there, and his condition didn't get better with time.

I still argue that it's too easy to get inside any sort of club, but will admit that if you manage to make contact they can be pretty effective.
I’d prefer a 2’-3’, light and rigid implement. Like a piece of 1” steel conduit. Very fast, hurts like hell, can break bones if done right.
Pretty easy to have such a piece of scrap in a work truck.
A walking cane would be most lawyer proof, but I somehow have visions of an axe handle jab to the throat of some deserving soul, followed by a baseball bat like swing to the head if necessary. Boy's axe handles are 28 inches, mighty handy.
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