M9 vs Beretta 92FS

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Badger Arms

Jan 1, 2003
Harnett County, NC
I was just wondering. I picked up an M9 at the local pawn shop and noticed that it looked exactly like the 92FS. What is different? Is it just marked differently? Is the gun I have merely a marketing scheme and the same gun is sold as the 92FS and the M9? Are there different standards applied in terms of Quality control, etc?
I carried the M9 and own a 92FS, other than my 92 is stainless and the M9 said "Property of US Govt" there was no difference.
The M9's slide will fly off the frame and kill your firstborn after your 16 9mm bullets (if your Beretta doesn't malfunction) fail to stop the bad guy :evil:

At least that's what I read in the gun rags :uhoh:
The M9's slide will fly off the frame and kill your firstborn after your 16 9mm bullets (if your Beretta doesn't malfunction) fail to stop the bad guy :evil:

At least that's what I read in the gun rags :uhoh:
Correct me if I'm wrong here:

M9 was modified after the notorious Navy SEAL Team abuse/slide breakage thing.

The Beretta 92 FS incorporates the improvements to the M9 and might have a different finish. The improvement was a big head on one of the pins in the frame, which would catch the rear part of a broken slide. The slide had to have a relief cut added for that slide-retaining pinhead. :uhoh: Oh, that doesn't sound good, does it??

What I find notable is that there are so FEW other reports of Beretta 92-series guns breaking their slides.
M9's are supposed to have better fit parts as they're supposed to be completely interchangeable. The Beretta 92's get the left over slightly out of spec parts nowadays. IME with newer Berettas that holds true. :uhoh:
How about they are both oversized, bulkly innacurate service handguns with lousy triggers that only won the military contract becasue they were cheap....

After passing a battery of tests.

Inacurate? I have a Beretta that says otherwise.

The sights are different. The 92 has three-dot sights, the M9 has a dot-bar(vertical).
Just purchased a 92 Vertec-don't know all the differences, except the grip is straight and the barrel seems like its about a half inch shorter. I'm supposed to get 2-15 round mags from the factory due to the promo they're running.

Trigger pull was bad in DA and so-so in SA, although it cleaned up after 300 rounds some. Accuracy was pretty good-couple of inches at 20 yards, but it might be me rather than the weapon. After years of shooting Colt 1911's, a DA trigger can feel strange.

Not my first choice in a pistol-the 1911 will always be that, but doesn't seem like such a bad thing. Overall size is between a government model and a Commander, and lighter with the aluminum frame.

I really question the government making a decision to go with a pistol with an open topped slide in desert conditions? I can see daylight in a half dozen places on this sidearm, and the locking block wings are easily seen. Seems that would be a liability......
How about they are both oversized, bulkly innacurate service handguns with lousy triggers that only won the military contract becasue they were cheap....

Think about it, when have you ever known the federal government to let money get in the way of a decision they wanted to make? State and local, OK I'll buy it, but feds. Never happened before, and I seriously doubt it happened here.
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