Mark Kelly caught buying an AR15

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If he truly believed that ar15s were good tools for self defense he wouldn't be calling for them to be BANNED.
Not Necessarily true at all. You are forgetting the elitist mindset: "these things are very effective, very dangerous weapons. In the wrong hands, they can wreak havoc. I know that I would never misuse one like that, so I trust myself with one. But you know there sure are a lot of dumb yahoos out there, and it would be better if they can't get their hands on them."

I rather suspect that this is the sort of thinking he's got running through his head.
Yup, the grabbers have three mindsets. The well-intentioned but uninformed, the elite "I can trust myself with that, but everyone else is below that," and the fanatical "I couldn't trust myself with that, so nobody can be trusted with it."

Generally, type 1 are just tipped fence-sitters and may come around. Politicians fall into the other two, with the occasional 2-B, "I can trust myself with a gun because I'm in power, and don't want that risked when I make my plans."
Kelly doesn't get a pass, but what he and Sarah Brady and Carolyn McCarthy have in common is the senseless, grievous wounding or death of a loved one.

Yeah, we all know the criminal was to blame, not the firearm, but it makes no sense to expect rational thought from someone whose husband or wife suffered that kind of devastating violence and loss.

We need to oppose what they're doing 100%; calling them names is pointless.

It's like one of those old time progressive prohibitionists "snuck" into a speak-easy and bought him a jug to drop a dime on but realized it was 2013. lolzers fails
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