The Model 60 is quite accurate (easily 1 MOA for 5 shots from mine with 40 grain RN Mini-Mags). But that's quite accurate for its class. A bone-stock .22LR semiauto with an entry-level pricetag that shoots that well is a rare thing. But a bolt-action for several times the price sure BETTER shoot tighter groups.
For one thing, the 60 requires HV ammo. No serious .22LR accuracy shooter uses HV ammo.
In a bolt action, you can use very high-end standard velocity target ammo that will shoot one-hole groups at 50 yards, all day long, in the right rifle. So unless the CZs were complete junk and a ripoff (and they are neither!) they'd shoot better than a semiauto like a 60.
That said, I really like my 60. It's well worth the $150 it costs!