Micro Compact 9mm Addition

Micro Compact 9mm Addition.

  • Taurus gx4

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Canik Mete MC9

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • Glock 43

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • Glock 43x

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Glock 48

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • Springfield Hellcat

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • Get a 327 revolver

    Votes: 10 20.8%

  • Total voters
Stopped at Fleet Farm before going to the range. Looking at the new handguns. 🍬🍫🍭

Shot my Glock 26 & 19. They just work!
Yes, have the TFS model w/ threaded barrel. I got it as a gift to my father, but he's set on his little Staccato, so I kept it. Think it has 350 down the pipe and it is a wonderful little gun. The SAO trigger is better than all of the strikers, a trillion times better than the CSX. So far so good, people bash Kimber everywhere, but it's not one of their 1911s, it's something totally new and so far it's been awesome.
I have never had an issue with my Kimber 4" carry when using factory ammo; it can be a little picky with my reloads when I first started; had to tweak the seater on the 200gr LSWC for better feeding; but now, no issues. It definitely likes different loads than my 5" SA TRP though
I'm not sure if you are a Staccato fan. Last time I was at Sheels they had a bunch of them.
I am, and they are a Staccato dealer. I bought my P and XC from them. They carry Atlas Gunworks as well. We have to ferry an aircraft up there Saturday, so am gonna stop by. There’s a Midwest shooting center range across the road from the mall, has some nice stuff as well.
G48 over G43x? Does the longer barrel add to the balance and feel?
I've got a 43 and 48, my son has the 43X (the X and 48 with Shield magazines.)

He actually got a 48 holster for the X after trying my 48, since the Shield mags make the X really top-heavy AIWB, and harder to conceal well. The extra length of the 48 (or 48 holster) counter that without really affecting comfort, IMHO.

So you are in the buy a second Shield Plus group?
Nope. I'm in the group that thinks owning a bunch things, this being a pistol, that are basically the same is kinda stupid.

Me, I'd combine two or three itches into something nice.

I just prefer having fewer higher quality items then a bunch of mediocre items.

The shield plus is a nice pistol, I own one, but at the end of the day it's just a shield plus.
Nope. I'm in the group that thinks owning a bunch things, this being a pistol, that are basically the same is kinda stupid.

Me, I'd combine two or three itches into something nice.

I just prefer having fewer higher quality items then a bunch of mediocre items.

The shield plus is a nice pistol, I own one, but at the end of the day it's just a shield plus.
Everyone has the right to their opinion and to do what they want with their money.

Their are expensive firearms and quality firearms. Expensive doesn't always mean quality.

I personally enjoy trying different options in the same segment. Last year I purchased the 3 most popular 380acp pocket pistols. The LCP MAX, BODYGUARD 2.0, and Glock 42. For around $1200 I have had a great time shooting them and evaluating the different pistols. During the single stack 9mm days. I bought the Shield, Kahr, and XDS. Of the 3 I liked the Shield. I have traded off two of them and gave the Shield away.
I would like a 3rd double stack 9mm micro. It will be fun evaluating them, and just shooting them. Buying three $500 pistols is something that I can afford to do. Versus three $2000 pistols and doing the same testing.
I may trade off all of them for the next best thing or give them to family or friends.
Everyone has the right to their opinion and to do what they want with their money.

Their are expensive firearms and quality firearms. Expensive doesn't always mean quality.

I personally enjoy trying different options in the same segment. Last year I purchased the 3 most popular 380acp pocket pistols. The LCP MAX, BODYGUARD 2.0, and Glock 42. For around $1200 I have had a great time shooting them and evaluating the different pistols. During the single stack 9mm days. I bought the Shield, Kahr, and XDS. Of the 3 I liked the Shield. I have traded off two of them and gave the Shield away.
I would like a 3rd double stack 9mm micro. It will be fun evaluating them, and just shooting them. Buying three $500 pistols is something that I can afford to do. Versus three $2000 pistols and doing the same testing.
I may trade off all of them for the next best thing or give them to family or friends.
And their is nothing wrong with that.
You could add the CZ P10 S or C to your list or even the newish Shield carry comp.
I really debated adding the p365 to the list. I have shot a couple of them, and was not impressed. I should shoot one again sometime.
Fair enough, love mine though. My second choice isn't on the list either, being the Shield. In fairness though, I haven't shot the others. :)
I would like to thank everyone for their votes and comments.
The winner is the Springfield Hellcat. This doesn't mean that someday I may add another micro compact 9mm. I'm going to wait a while before adding anything else to the collection though.

I like the feel. I have long been a Springfield Arms fan. My LGS also had a gear pack on hand that includes 5 magazines, and a soft case.
I'd go with the boring Glock. In 48 flavor. But my preferences and bias is showing.

Out of the others the only one that interests me as far as characteristics is the Hellcat, my brother has one and it shoots well.

I just don't care for what Springfield did a few years back to the smaller gun stores in Illinois in their FFL Licensing carve out.
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I'd go with the boring Glock. In 48 flavor. But my preferences and bias is showing.

Out of the others the only one that interests me as far as characteristics is the Hellcat, my brother has one and it shoots well.

I just don't care for what Springfield did a few years back to the smaller gun stores in Illinois in their FFL Licensing carve out.
I understand what you are saying. Sometimes corporations do stupid things. They think in the long run it will help their business. Heck, I'm old enough to remember Bill Ruger's magazine blunder.
As far as the Glock 48, I like it, but was leaning towards the Glock 43. I hope to get the opportunity to try a G48.