Mike Moore at U.C. Berkeley's Greek Theatre 10/30

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
Mike Moore/at Berkely CA greek thtr 10/30

Read in the paper that Moore will be at Berkely Greek theatre on 10/30
is anyone planning a protest?
I feel like buying tickets so I can pie him (if I can get close enough)
I will look at Freerepublic to see if a protest is planned...
You folks have any good Ideas?
The fault line runs right above the Greek Theatre so if you sit on the lawn behind the seats, you're atop the fault. :D
Instead of a protest, why not confront him on the inaccuracies of his "project" - Bowling for Columbine? Make up a well thought out question to ask him. Wear a peace symbol T-shirt to avert suspicion. Watch him sputter. Watch him squirm. Torment him further by bringing a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Let the odor sugar and spice and everything nice waft under his nostrils until he's trembling with desire. Watch it! He may attack! If he does, you will be justified in using deadly force to protect yourself. That way everything's nice and legal . . .

Instead of a protest, why not confront him on the inaccuracies of his "project" - Bowling for Columbine? Make up a well thought out question to ask him. Wear a peace symbol T-shirt to avert suspicion. Watch him sputter. Watch him squirm.

Before you do that though you should read the following link first so that you can defeat his responses or so you can ask him a question that he might not have a ready answer to.


brad cook
Confronting him would be a waste of time. Have you ever seen a socialist type let a conservative get in a word edgewise during a debate of any sort? He'll be spouting off his standard one-liners and zingers and never answer any question.

Trying to combat a fraud with logic and actual data is like trying to use a BB-gun as an anti-tank weapon.

The best way to get rid of Moore is to buy him another Big Mac and a dozen donuts to hasten his heartattack.
The point of asking him questions isn't to try to get him to see the light. He's a statist and as such is happy in his position of one who gets to tell others what to do.

The idea is to get those in the audience to think for themselves when confronted with opposing views.
Best protester? Why, Afro-Americans who have read Michael Moore's comments on 9/11 and how it would never have happened if Afro-Americans were on board. Moore's presumption is that an A.A. would make a stink and fight back whereas the white is complacent. Of course, the A.A. should be escorted by WMs & the "rainbow" coalition to make a stink about the "stereotyping" that Michael Moore is guilty of.

If they're good at it, he'll walk off mad... Awwwww. :)
Protesting his stuff just gives Moore attention to his cause.

If nobody shows up to protest then there is no press coverage on how poor embattled Mickey Moore is being picked on by the vast right wing conspiracy.
How much do tickets cost?
How many people are on board, and what are we going to grill him on?

I'm up for it, if I'm not alone. (Kinda like "High Noon")
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