More Anti-Gun Blogs on Huffpo

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Jul 12, 2006
SOUTH Jersey

It ain't just Paul Helmke anymore. There are more than ever before. The Brady Campaign's lawyer, notorious for misquoting the 2nd Amendment, Dennis Henigan has his own regular blog now, as well as several others, including a retired judge.

If you're so inclined, please join us, even if it's only a little while. :)
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Yeah, I'm going to have to bow out of this one as well.

As Thomas Paine said:

"Arguing with those who have lost all sense of reason is like administering medicine to the dead."

There are many instances where going toe-to-toe with these fools is completely worth it, but as one of the folks who contributed to the Brady Campaign blog being locked to comments entirely, I can say with 100% certainty that as soon as these types start getting their arguments torn apart, they start playing dirty. That's nothing I want to contribute to or deal with anymore.

Good luck though. :)
I understand completely. It often seems pointless. :banghead:

I need to take break now and then myself.

However, the idea isn't to try to change the minds of the antis, but to try to bring the fence-sitters onto our side of the fence.
mike101 is absolutely correct.

Think of it this way, if you help with a litter cleanup program you're not taking out the trash for the people that put it there, but for the folks that pass by and have to look at it.
He he...this one was really easy. And fun.

You really ought to learn what purpose laws serve and why we "aren't allowed to yell fire in a crowded theater." As a matter of fact, there is absolutely no restriction on yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. I have attended multiple plays where the actors did just that; further, the proof is in the OUTCOME of the action as well as the intent.

Briefly put, yelling fire - in and of itself - does no harm, nor demonstrates any such intent. Ditto with openly carrying firearms, anywhere, period. The First Amendment does not PROTECT "yelling fire in a crowded theater" if such action was taken with harmful intent and outcome. So, please prove the harmful intent and outcome of gun-carrying protesters? There is none, which is why your example fails miserably on both fronts.

Oh, by the way, thank you for acknowledging the Second Amendment as an individual right that comes right after the First Amendment. That is a step in the right direction.
***** ******
IMHO these blogs make wanna:barf:

just don't forget that the fence sitters we need for 2A support think that the extreme right wing is just as crazy and unthinking as the huff post nuts-

when representing firearm rights, be a professional, clean cut, mature adult-

responsibility is our greatest asset
"just don't forget that the fence sitters we need for 2A support think that the extreme right wing is just as crazy and unthinking as the huff post nuts-"

That's a good point, and another myth that needs to be dispelled, not only for the fence-sitters, but the antis as well.

Many people think that only right-wing Republicans own guns. You see it in a lot of the posts over there. We constantly remind them that almost half the gun owners in this country are liberal-leaning Dems and Independents, as are about half the pro-2A people posting on Huffpo.

I know this business is distasteful to a lot of Highroaders, but we have the same 8 or 10 people posting on all of the anti-gun blogs over there. It would be nice to see some new names, even if it's only temporary.
No thanks, I fight anti-gun hissy-fit throwing ***** all day long at other forums.

That's why I post here, to get a break from the non-thinkers.

Huffington Post has got to be the worst of the worst and a site I will not support in any shape form or fashion.
"I love how these people tout statistics."

And their stats invariably come from some Joyce Foundation funded pseudo-research, usually conducted by good old Dr. Kellermann. And we always catch them.

"Pools? Statistically, we need to ban hospitals."

You got that right.
Basically the hate of firearms is the new incarnation of racial hatred and segregation. Those who hate firearms and their owners do so as a sort of "I'm better than you" and "I don't want crime and suffering and death and the pain of reality around me" thing so they want to keep you away from them with as many restrictions as possible. They want to make your life as complicated as possible so you won't be welcome there. Remember the "Wild wild West" smear line they always spout? They think you and I belong somewhere far from them and 100 years ago, not in the here and now they live in. They want it to be THEIR world. "What works in Montana doesn't work in New York" means they want YOU to stay in YOUR Montana, a place they will never go and is far away from them, OUT of THEIR New York. We're always slandered as "redneck" or "Bible thumping" and whatever else they can think of to convey stupid, unsophisticated, outcast, superstitutious, antiquated, etc. Why do you think that is? It's simple grade school "I'm better than you because I'm not too tall, too fat, too skinny, too freckled, too pale, too dark, etc." Only they can't do the fat/skinny/dark/glasses etc. because they're PC, so it has to be gun ownership they can hate you for.
OK. Done. Not as bad as I expected. Much better than the average NYT article dealing with the subject.

From my personal experiences, I think a fraction of the people who read Huff Post are probably, if not persuadable... at least... suggestible.
I have been a Huff Post member for a while. Add some balance, professionally and accurately. It is a discussion and sometimes a debate. Don't start an argument or fight.
I quit trying to debate with those that suffer from invincible ignorance. I'm afraid I might do something that would feel good... :evil:
Posts disappear?

Activism is for executing and tweaking RKBA plans and is not a complaint forum. Please read the posting requirements stickied at the top.

The OP's "plan" is to have more pro-2A members participate in predominantly anti sites. The advice is to be professional, rational and present good arguments so that the people who visit those sites who are not committed antis are lead to examine their prejudices.

Committed antis are a lost cause, but there are far more people who have not had our side of the story presented and who might be given the opportunity to change their minds.
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