Mountain Lion

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Aug 6, 2006
SW Florida
My neighbor called me over as I was pulling in this morning. He said he saw a mountain lion in his front yard this morning. I live between Topeka and Auburn, and even though several have said BS before, this is confirmation from another person.
Now I am trying to remember, I am supposed to tree him with dogs and shoot it in the lung with a .22 lr, correct? I did this with the head of Safari International about 4-5 yrs ago, but he has moved to KC. The game control warden has already been called and he said to call him if we get it.
There is a school 100 yds from my back door which caused the warden alot of concern. I am gonna call a buddy from Canada up and see if he will stalk with me, he has a dog that is part wolf for a pet. Should be interesting, if we bag him I will get photos for bragging rights.

I think I will carry from now on while taking out the trash.
Cats are thin-skinned . . . many have been dispatched with small arms, but .357 is likely the "gold standard." And they're sneaky bastridges . . . more than once I've had them come in when coyote hunting. They are also opportunists, so if you see it, terminate it . . . kids would definitely be at risk with a cat around. Was gutting an elk many years ago, turned to get some cheesecloth from my day pack, and a big tom was standing not 20 feet away . . . a 230-grain .45 ACP through the chest, front- on ended the situation. The hair on the back of my neck laid-down 3-weeks or so later.
So I should carry a heavy hitter for my back-up like a .45 or .357 Sig. I wasnt planning on getting that close, but if baiting it with raw meat is a good idea I would be happy to remove it for the sake of the kids. I wouldn't even complain too much if the warden demands the hide.

Wow you where lucky, I thought they attacked from 30 yds after circling a stationary target. Glad you are okay.

I have no doubts that there are mountain lions in Ks. I have heard of sightings from several people that I know and respect. Last year we found a dead deer, it's throat was ripped out and had claw marks down both sides of it and it was covered with sticks and grass. The next day it was gone and whatever had dragged it away pulled the carcass over a five strand barbed wire fence. We figured it was a lion kill. If you do kill this lion, I would keep quiet about it. A Medicine Lodge farmer killed a lion on his property recently and now Fish and Game is trying to prosecute him.
I was born and drug up in KS before movin to the land of earthquakes (CA). Back in the 50's and probably somewhere into the 60's, many jurisdictions paid public bounties for the big cats.
Dustinthewind, I think I may take your advice since baiting it isn't sporting to begin with, but I would feel worse if it went after a kid.
Yay! An opportunity to post one of my favorite pictures from the Internet! What can't it do?

Everything you need to know about dealing with a Mountain Lion is right here! It's more fun if you think of different captions.

ROFLMAO did you photo shop that! I had a bunch of better captions run through my mind for be large.
.45 or .357 Sig

Either will work . . . if you see it, shoot it. Baiting will give it a reason to stay in the area. Cats roam . . . if food isn't readily available, this one will do likewise.
We usually have a ton of rabbits and deer running around here. Not so much this year; guess I know why now.
I had about 30 camped out on the back 5 acres all winter, I would take my 6 yo girl out to watch them. I havent seen a one of them for 6 weeks. I had about 15 rabbits in the wood pile, I now have one camped out in the drainage pipe under the drive the rest have disappeared. The red squirrels who used to run across my roof are gone too. :cool: They can stay gone.;)
I think I will start back by the abandoned barn on my neighbors property, a pack of wild turkey used to live there.
"...he has a dog that is part wolf for a pet..." And? Dogs need to be trained to hunt anything. In any case, he'd be highly unlikely to be able to bring Fido into the U.S. without a big pile of paperwork.
The Police Killed A 150lb Mountain Lion (wild , Confirmed) In Chicago Last Month. The Anti Hunters Are Really Up In Arms. Jp
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People are always laughing when someone reports seeing a cougar or bear where they aren't normally found. This usually results if folks clamming up about what they have seen. Whenever someone here does report a sighting, the local authorities are quick to pass it off as a "mis-identification". I have personally seen 3 cougars (and a number of tracks)here in central Alabama over the past 35 years and saw them clearly. There was no "mis-identification". If a big cat shows up on my property around my little grand daughters, the 3s rule applies.
Interesting, several years ago I saw a mountian lion on my dads land and later that day found the covered remains of a deer with claw and teeth marks that left no doubt. I called fish and game to let them know and their official response was "There are no mountain lions in Kansas, you must have been mistaken." We all started to carry when it came time for chores, even though "there are no mountain lions in Kansas."
Husker1911. While what you stated is likely the true facts. I also saw the news report that gave the cat's weight as 150lb.
Once while rabbit hunting with a .22 at our family's ranch, I saw a mountain lion sitting in the middle of the road roughly 100 yards away. I called it a day and went back to the house.

I'm not one bit interested in dealing with such a predator while on foot and armed with only a .22. Even if I had been carrying the 30-30, I'd still have turned back.
If you have one come in behind you while you're predator calling, THAT will ratchet-up the old blood pressure (had this happen twice; when I saw them, they swapped-ends & vamoosed . . . now I carry a valid cat tag).
I got some deer meat out of the freezer and hung it out back about an acre away to see if he would come a calling, no luck yet.

I did spot some tracks though, but they traveled onto my neighbors property so I stopped. I wont hunt another man's land without permission, even though he implied it yesterday.
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