Murder weapon

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Feb 4, 2011
The hit on the insurance executive in NY, anyone have any real information on the weapon, caliber, and the silencer?
The news isn't consistent, but 3 shots fired, and 3 live rounds ejected, after a weapon malf seems to be the story line.
Some reports of things written on the ejected rounds.
Anyone have any better information?
Admins, if this is inappropriate, sorry, quash it.
Supposedly the words "Deny, Defend, Dispose", one word on each of three spent cartridges found at scene. From a book about how the For Profit healthcare industry cheats insured patients so as to be more like the billionaires such as the ones in the news lately. There was a picture of the type of handgun they say was used, incorporated a silencer. Never seen one quite like it. 9MM I believe.

Your post isn't inappropriate. Murder is.
NY Post reported early on that it might be a modern version of the Welrod, like the BT. Looking at the video of the shooting, though, I don't see the "twist and pull" characteristic of running those guns. Looks to me (yeah, the video's so bad that we all see what we want to) like the fellow is treating it just like a typical semi-auto.

Interesting story on a number of counts, anyway.
Some insightful responses. It does have indications of a less than professional job, Why he would have cleared 3 rounds after a stoppage?
They seem to have some decent full face shots of the perp.
B&T Station Six is what I hear.

NY Post reported early on that it might be a modern version of the Welrod, like the BT. Looking at the video of the shooting, though, I don't see the "twist and pull" characteristic of running those guns. Looks to me (yeah, the video's so bad that we all see what we want to) like the fellow is treating it just like a typical semi-auto.

Interesting story on a number of counts, anyway.

The Gun used, bolt action 9mm . Gun Cost $2289.

No, no and no.
The experts are saying this was a common semi-automatic handgun with a silencer that malfunctioned repeatedly (probably due to the silencer)

"Not a professional hit." The only difference between a professional and an amateur is a professional gets paid for it. Doesn't mean they're any good at it.
"it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one twists facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
Sherlock Holmes to Dr. Watson
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Rule 1 for events like this is don't believe anything in the news about it for the first few days. Be skeptical about everything you hear after that.

Exactly. Until they find the gun, no one really knows what it is. And even then, would that actual information be given to the public.

The idea of the B&T being used certainly is interesting and makes one think of who would have paid for a gun like that.
I don't buy for a second that he is the shooter. They had another photo in which the guy at the hostel has a BLACK backpack. Before I even went back to compare the images, I thought "wasn't the shooter's backpack a much lighter color?" It's not even close!

And the shooter's jacket seems to lack those big pocket flaps on the chest, but I had to look twice to be somewhat confident. The backpack, in contrast (no pun intended), is a farce!

The more cloosely I look at it, the worse it gets. The shooter is wearing a dark gray jacket with an attached hood, and probably the jacket is a pull-over with a 1/4 zip. The guy in the hostel is wearing a brownish jacket with a full zipper and a collar over a grey hoodie. The color mismatch *could* be an artifact of camera/lighting, but it looks to me like the NYPD screwed the pooch releasing these photos.

If you've watched enough Paul Harrell videos, you're probably hearing his squeaky, mocking rendition of "the police are highly trained professionals" about now...
Some solid rebuttals of the notion of a Welrod clone, and it could well be the repeated manipulation of the slide is an ordinary stoppage.
But the repeated, manual cycling does seem odd.
A quick online search produced blueprints and other assistance for a do it yourself version, and its tubular nature speaks to Sten gun thinking, making it from simple components.
Hard to believe it is a registered Class 3 piece.
We'll see.
Kind of fun to see all the speculation. That aside, going beyond some very basic observations is unwarranted.

You can tell the pistol is some kind of semi-auto equipped with a suppressor and that it's not cycling with the suppressor--requiring the shooter to manually work the action for each shot. He does this so fast after the first shot, without pausing to diagnose the malfunction, that I would say he expected this behavior.

The semi-auto appears to be conventional in appearance--looks like a rectangular profile slide, no obvious cutouts or unusual shapes. We can be reasonably sure it's a locked breech design of some sort based on the fact that suppressors don't affect the function of straight blowback designs and the provided information that it's a 9mm. There are a few blowback 9mms out there and some other operating systems, that would be more tolerant of suppressors, but it doesn't look like any of the blowback pistols I know of, and the other operating systems are pretty unusual/rare.

I have a problem with the idea that it's something really unusual and distinctive like the Station 6 for a couple of reasons. It looks very conventional, unlike the Station 6 and it would be very foolish to use such a distinctive and rare pistol in a crime that's likely to be witnessed and on video. The guy was pretty careful about trying to conceal his identity and seems to understand he's going to be videotaped. Pulling out a weapon that would immediately narrow the suspect search down to hundreds instead of thousands, AND that would focus the search on a group of people who had to submit a photo and fingerprints to make the purchase seems inconsistent with that effort.
That might be a lie.
Sure. All of the information, including the video and pictures of the suspect could have been altered before being released. Maybe the murder never even happened at all. You have to start with some reasonable assumptions or discussions like this are pointless. If we start from the assumption that the released information has been intentionally altered, then there's no real point of discussing this at all based on that information.
how did the shooter know when and where the victim would be precisely?
It doesn't appear that he knew "precisely". Witnesses say he waited around for hours in the general vicinity.
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