My AK is Done

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Oct 8, 2020
A little over a month ago I got an Arsenal SAM7 milled AK and I’ve been busy modifying it as well as creating a quick response/minuteman kit to go along with it. Here it is:


It’s changed a great deal. I’ve got about 1K rounds through it and it is fantastic. Just thought I’d share.

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Ok, I love my Maks and CZ82s but for a "Combat" rig like you've set up, I would carry a pistol a bit more "combat-worthy".
What else do you pack in the chest rig? I have similar rigs set up and stored with most of my AKs and ARs, and I'm always interested to hear what other guys include.
Ok, I love my Maks and CZ82s but for a "Combat" rig like you've set up, I would carry a pistol a bit more "combat-worthy".

Good thing I wasn't drinking when reading that statement, overwise I would had experienced a serious nasal incident. Pretty sure the Makarov has a lengthy enough resume to have earned "combat worthy" status.

OP- Nice AK! The Arsenals were on my short list until I found my early 80's Zastava build.
Ok, I love my Maks and CZ82s but for a "Combat" rig like you've set up, I would carry a pistol a bit more "combat-worthy".
What else do you pack in the chest rig? I have similar rigs set up and stored with most of my AKs and ARs, and I'm always interested to hear what other guys include.

I see what you mean and yeah it’s not the most modern choice, but the Russians consider it so, and still issue it widely as a sidearm as do many other former Soviet bloc nations. I’m very accurate with mine and I think it’d do in a pinch. They are extremely reliable as well, and I’ve got two spare mags for it on the chest rig. They’re also nice and handy.

One of the most rugged rifles, combined with a Makarov, quite often claimed to be the most reliable semi-auto handgun in the world.

And the Arsenal (rifle) has a very attractive muzzle device.
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Du-hude! I like the setup. The Mak is very appropriate and will take care of business just fine. Great pic.

I like the holster for that Mak, I never really see them in Kydex offerings, always the leather cavalry looking holsters with the big flap, the kydex compliments the old weapon well....
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It’s from Specter Gear. The milsurp Bulgarian army stock doesn’t have sling swivels (the original Bulgy rifles had a receiver mounted swivel) and its got a velcro saddle that lashes about the stock. It is super snug and rock solid, excellent sling.
I used that sling on my Aks for a decade now and yes they are the best available.
Du-hude! I like the setup. The Mak is very appropriate and will take care of business just fine. Great pic.

I like the holster for that Mak, I never really see them in Kydex offerings, always the leather cavalry looking holsters with the big flap, the kydex compliments the old weapon well....

Thanks! I sourced this one from Russia and it’s in use with various units over there.

In Russia, Makarovs are still widely used despite newer pistols being introduced such as the Yarygin. My understanding is the Mak has much the same cult like loyal following as the M1911 does here in America. Lots of guys are fond of them for reasons such as extreme reliability and good accuracy, and don’t want to give them up.
Thanks! I sourced this one from Russia and it’s in use with various units over there.

In Russia, Makarovs are still widely used despite newer pistols being introduced such as the Yarygin. My understanding is the Mak has much the same cult like loyal following as the M1911 does here in America. Lots of guys are fond of them for reasons such as extreme reliability and good accuracy, and don’t want to give them up.
There are so many guns I have wanted that just never made it into my stock. The Mak is one of them. I should have bought a few of them 10 years ago and stacked the 9x18 Brown Bear cases up to the rafters. That's definitely one of those guns I'll always regret not buying. I had my dance with AK's, like em, just don't play with em anymore.
There are so many guns I have wanted that just never made it into my stock. The Mak is one of them. I should have bought a few of them 10 years ago and stacked the 9x18 Brown Bear cases up to the rafters. That's definitely one of those guns I'll always regret not buying. I had my dance with AK's, like em, just don't play with em anymore.

I have about 5,000 rounds through a few of them and never, ever had a single failure of any shape or form.
I had a Saiga that initially had the sporter stock on it. Even though it didn't have the same desired aesthetic appeal people are usually looking for, it was very, very comfortable and controllable. It was an excellent quality rifle. Quite a few cases and no malfs of any kind. Same with my Wasr-10 though... they run with the best of em, I just favored the AR's....
Nothing wrong with the Mak. Nice and light, and little chance of needing it even though transitioning to the pistol is the great fad of the year. Nothing wrong with that, but one certainly does not need to transition to a 1911, full size Beretta or High Power. Oh no, going to make someone mad again. Just trying to say that it's worth the gamble of never actually needing to transition in a full on close up all out root-hog-or-die battle to carry the Mak instead of a bigger full on combat ready pistol. I think the Mak is a fine choice. Light, compact, accurate. But, nothing wrong with packing a bigger pistola, and transition training with it.

One of my past "kits" involved a PCC in 9mm, and my PT92CS. So I'm not against it! Just saying. present "kit" does not include a pistol, I kind of figure no pistol, more water, food, or ammo for the rifle. But now you got me thinking, I have a nice P64 (kind of a Polish Mak if you are unfamiliar) that would not add much weight and of course a pistol CAN come in handy. :) Going to have to think about this. :)
It looks good but as far as saying "It's done" shoot it for a year or two & then tell us it's done & we may believe you. LOL
As for Makarovs, my first carry gun was a .380 Russian Mak.
Commercial Maks can be .380 or 9x18.

Any single-stack Makarov mag. is totally interchangeable with other single-stacks.

Over 1,000 rds, Zero issue of any kind.
I patiently waited for any malfunction- not even with a moderate “limp-wrist!”

I would bet money that any Makarov is just as rugged as the OP’s Arsenal AKM rifle.

Ugly Sauce: with about 50 rds. in one session, some of us might get used to the P-64’s DA trigger and recoil.

They otherwise are Very cool guns.
A buddy carries one on each and Every errand as his only carry gun.- no exceptions. And he’s not poor—- has a coded, walk-in safe with 95-100 near-pristine milsurp rifles.

His clothing and very faded old pickup are to make people Assume that he’s poor.
Yet…he prefers the P-64 - the little demon.
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