My favorite gun rags


Contributing Member
Jun 5, 2013
No, not Handguns or Guns & Ammo, rags I use to clean and wipe down my firearms after a range trip.

I use cloth diapers. They come in a 10-pack, have little to no lint on them and last for a long time.

I use a lightly oiled one for my initial cleaning, using it for wiping off the powder residue and old lube at the start of the process. After cleaning the gun, I use a second cloth that is also oiled for a final wipe down before storing the firearm away.


Once the initial cleaning diaper is filthy beyond hope it goes into the trash, the second cloth becomes the initial cleaning cloth and a new one is oiled up and ready for final wipe down duties. :)


(It was .22 day on Friday, they can get rags a bit gunky.)

A pack like these will last me several years, and I shoot/clean at least one gun 2-3 times a week. :thumbup:

(Old rag that was past being ready for the trash bin at bottom.)

Stay safe.
Anything made of cotton gets transformed into rags. I have a large plastic bin full of old flannel sheets, bathrobes, bath towels, etc. that all will be eventually cut into rags. Never ending supply, no additional cost. Just a bit of time cutting them into the sizes I want.
Anything made of cotton gets transformed into rags. I have a large plastic bin full of old flannel sheets, bathrobes, bath towels, etc. that all will be eventually cut into rags. Never ending supply, no additional cost. Just a bit of time cutting them into the sizes I want.
My kids lose or wear a hole in one sock per pair at least twice a month. My lonely sock bin gets sent to the old sheet/shirt rag bin a couple of times a year. These all become my oil change, motorcycle wipe down, car and boat waxing rags, etc.

Stay safe.
Anything made of cotton gets transformed into rags. I have a large plastic bin full of old flannel sheets, bathrobes, bath towels, etc. that all will be eventually cut into rags. Never ending supply, no additional cost. Just a bit of time cutting them into the sizes I want.
Same here but I use my Wife's rotary cloth cutter. Amazing how that cuts,

I use Viva paper towels there very absorbent and work well and I don’t have to clean them. I also have a pack of the orange shop cloths you can get at auto supply stores I use them for the initial wipe down together the gunk off they last a long time. I wash them in a bucket with laundry detergent because of the cleaners on them.
Have a bunch of old surgical towels, love them
Used lint free car towels for a lot of years
I have some of the blue ones, I use them (and a bunch of free microfiber cloths) to dry the vehicles after a car wash. :D

Stay safe.
Flannel or microfiber. I usually take a towel and shoot some Ballistol on both sides, spray a little 100% silicone in the middle both sides, a capful of Hoppes solvent in two places and then a squirt of Remoil or similar both sides. Rub it all together and squeeze and rub it together some more and then place it into a plastic bag for wipe downs after being out, handling or cleaning before putting away.
No , the diaper works so good that when one shows up in a 50lb box of rags I stash back for injection pump or hydraulic valve work.
They soak it up and keep on going.
Never dawned on me to actually go out and buy diapers at the store !!!
In order . Paper towels, paper rags, t-shirt, red rags, terry towel rags then the low lint diaper.
I now picture an oily diaper in a ziplock bag for firearm wipe downs.
Neat idea, thanks. I use old t shirts, and any old clothes the wife or kid have. I've also used old towels and such. I have a handful of receiving blankets that work excellently for rags.