Sorry, it does not work that way. In spite of the abuse of EOs by two recent presidents, EOs are not laws. They are only instructions to the Executive Branch departments and agencies on how to carry out their legal authorities. An EO cannot mandate a state to do anything. In our gun world, Biden issued EOs causing the ATF to update regulations to make it harder to buy or own certain gun-related items. Trump issued an EO causing ATF to change its long standing position on bump stocks. Once challenged, those regulations failed in court.Supreme Court's ruling could be used by the President in an Executive Order to declare that all states must recognize the carry licenses of any resident of any of the other 49 states.
I have no doubts Trump is going to issue that EO on Day 1 and it will be challenged up to SCOTUS and upheld.
A national law, passed by Congress and signed by the President, might result in national reciprocity. However, it is guaranteed to be challenged by a number of states, and likely eventually reach the Supreme Court. I think it could be upheld. @Spats McGee has expressed some doubts on such a law.
Either way, this is going to be a long and messy process.
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