Need Help with Decision: Unissued Mak or Slightly Used Mak?

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Feb 8, 2003
I can't make up my mind between purchasing an unissed MilSurp Bulgarian Makarov or a slightly used MilSurp Bulgarian.

The unissued comes with one mag and black rubber import grips. The slightly used one was purchased unissued and fired around 50 rounds, it comes with two mags, one serial numbered to the pistol, and the original red grips.

The unissued one has the Century Arms Imports billboard stamping on the right side and the slightly used one has very discrete PW Arms stamp.

Which would you get?
See if you can get a deal on both and if not buy both anyways ... if not a reduction in price try to get some ammo thrown in ... most Mak owners have more than one ... :what:
Duh! They're both $250, but I haven't made any offers.

:banghead: If you are planning on shooting the gun get the one with more mags and the original grips. In the end if you plan on shooting the pistol and the price is the same whats the difference except the grips and the number of mags?

You are clearly overthinking this one.... :neener:
Get both, you'll end op with half a dozen of them eventually anyway...and some CZ 82s, and some Pa-63s... ect...
I would lean towards the PW Arms import. I hate that huge Century billboard.
The extra mag and original grips also more than offset it having a few rounds through it... think of it as being Tested!
Buy both. In a couple years you will be bragging on how cheap you got those Makarovs. If you must get only one, get the one with the extra mag.

How much the gun has been shot means nothing.
One of my Makarovs had a LOT of use before I got it. I suspect it was a range gun. The gun is still as accurate as my Maks that have had little use.
The CAI billboard is one of the things I really dislike about the unissued Mak.

I guess I'm hesitating because the prices seem really high. The last Mak I bought was an unissued Bulgarian with two matching mags, new holster and cleaning rod, paid $179 shipped from Dan's Ammo. Those were the days!
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