Neophyte to the board!

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Welcome to THR, Nashmack! Nobody here cares if you're a Neophyte, Heck, There are people here from many different sexual simply don't matter to us!

(There, said it first)

Enjoy the ride!

First, welcome to the board!

Neophyte to the board!

Looked it up...

One entry found for neophyte.

Main Entry: neo·phyte
Pronunciation: 'nE-&-"fIt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin neophytus, from Greek neophytos, from neophytos newly planted, newly converted, from ne- + phyein to bring forth -- more at BE
1 : a new convert : PROSELYTE
2 : NOVICE 1

I really like that word. My personal goal is to use the word "neophyte" two hundred times over the course of this weekend.
Glad I could be of some assistance thorazine ;)

As to the whole "Live Free or Die" motto, I think this great state has an excellent motto, maybe we should start enforcing it? That'd be interesting eh? $100 fine for not living free enough? Ahh, if only the rest of the country saw things my way!

By any chance would there be anyone willing to be a shooting buddy with me? Maybe we could get a group together?
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