New Handgun Cartridges ?


Contributing Member
Jan 21, 2020
Wisconsin Again
Is there room for a new handgun cartridge?

With Federal's introduction of the 7mm Backcountry rifle cartridge it has got me thinking.
Will anyone introduce any new handgun cartridges? The last new cartridge that comes to mind is the 30 super carry. It really hasn't caught on.
So many of the new handguns introduced are based on old cartridges. Heck the vast majority are 9 × 19.
Any thoughts???
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IMHO just a marketing ploy, like a soda producer introducing a new flavor, the main thing is to get more shelf space, crowd out competitors. It's been 60 years since the 41 Magnum was introduced-"fills the caliber gap"-whatever that is, has a small but loyal following-I have a 4" M-57, but has never really caught on, we have had a powerful semiauto round since 1929-the 38 Super. How many carbines are chambered in that ?
Read an article in of the gun magazines, at the press conference where Remington introduced the Remington 8MM Magnum, Elmer Keith in his direct way asked:
"What the H--- is it good for ?"
They’ll keep introducing them with the hope that it, and handguns chambered for it, will take off and generate new sales.

Same ‘ol stuff is stagnation.

Now if they can introduce a new cartridge that‘s large in caliber, hits like a .357, recoils like a .22, and is shot in a gun the size of an LCP, I’ll be sure and buy one.
Yeah, kind of hard to imagine anything really radical.

I still think caseless ammo is not a bad idea - at least for autoloaders - but it needs to be available and affordable, and a way to handload for it would be helpful.
I'd like to see the 445 SuperMag acquire some popularity again. It once was once briefly loaded by Winchester. It would easily chamber in an X frame Smith. I think there is another super mag size revolver out there these days.
Can’t, for the life of me, think what might be missing. 17 HMR through 500 S&W.
I still am all for a factory .50 Special - the cartridge already exists in various forms, and just needs a formal home.

Beyond that, I would love to see even bigger bores; something like the .577 Webley. Obviously such stuff runs afoul of our benevolent minders, but a fellow can dream...
I'd love to see a 10mm necked down to 224 loaded with 73gr bullets for an incredibly accurate and stretched 1911.

I've offered blank checks to a few 1911 makers to build me a 2011 in 5.7 and none of them have taken the bait.