Nice surprise from Hornady today.

I get a similar poster from a couple industry conferences each year, which I keep folded and tucked at one end of my bookshelf in my office, I use them frequently, as many do in our industry, because the market intel in these is fantastic, even though they're not terribly handy to keep organized or handy to layout and read (huge). As a parallel habit, I keep all of the posters Hornady has sent as well - I do appreciate that some years, they have put more of a "poster" on one side with the products on the other, but I got my packet this year and already stacked the product poster with my others.

I liked the larger sticker sheet this season - and some of those I had not seen in circulation yet (we get stickers all of the time through PRS matches and other industry/range day events).
I like the poster, but it's huge! I don't have much wall space next to my bench, and that's already occupied with an original 80's Glock poster, and a 90's S&W poster.
They have listing for the new Dangerous Game Handgun (DGH) ammo but the 357 is listed on the poster as 135gr. Everywhere else it is 165gr. I can't find a listing for the velocity on it or if the bullets will be available.
I got mine too! I like this new poster, all of the cartridges are actual size.
Their last one, the rifle rounds were 3/4th scale or something.
It’s a great poster!

I put mine up in the living room up on the wall.

My wife said she doesn’t love it but she doesn’t mind it either so it will stay up there for now.

I appreciate Hornady sending it out!
