night sights vs. laser grip

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Sep 16, 2009
Outside Valley Forge Pa
Hi all,
I'm just looking for some opinions on which you think would be a better/ more useful add-on to my glock # 27 I have a pair of CT grips on my s&w 360 they are pretty nice I must say, does anyone have any experience with these on a glock? do they mount easy & secure? can the accuracy be effected by your grip? ( to high/low, loose/tight) just some questions I had about them, or is it better just to put a good set of night sights on it ?
( its a shame these are not made with the tactial mount on them)
any insight would be great
It depends. A well-trained shooter in good practice can acquire iron sights much faster than one can acquire with a laser. There are some advantages to lasers, however. They are great for shooting from akward angles around cover. They are great for people who don't practice much. They also send an immediate and unmistakable message (I'm armed and I wont miss) that might end the fight without a shot being fired. On the other hand, you are relying on battery powered technology.

My personal take is that I would always put night sights on a carry gun and then add the laser if you want it. That way, you've always got one method of acquiring the target that you know won't fail you and you have the option of taking advantage of faster acquisition in a speed-draw kind of situation.

My two cents.
I'm sorry I should have noted " useful " for low light situations & quicker target aquisition, scurtis thanks for the 2 cents, that's why I'm here to get as much input as I can, the two dot system that johnson show pictures of above is interesting also.. is there any aquisition difference between the 2 or 3 dot night sights ?
Two dots vs three dots is more of a preference thing. I personally prefer three dots, as it is easier to determine if the front sight is horizontally aligned with the rear. There are other trade-offs to consider when choosing sights. Sights with big, bright dots like TFO TruGlos are faster to acquire, but their chunky nature makes them poor for shooting anything past 20-25 yards as they cover too much of the target.
Moderator, this is a duplicate thread to the one in "general discussion" by the same OP. I would suggest a merger.

Cordially, Jack
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