Night stand choice

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Um, because one cannot practice and train to disengage a thumb safety, even during a "high stress" situation?

Guessin' I better stop my practice of occasionally packin' a 1911 (even though I've trained with one for 46 years).

Pretty sure my three trained dogs and alarm system will help me get through the fog enough to figure out my handguns. And the trusty ol' home defense AR.
38sp, j-frame, taurus or rossi, revolver. in my particular environment five wadcutters will suffice, but i’m practiced enough with speedloaders/speedstrips to top-off if necessary. revolvers offer a simple, one-handed, dark-of-night, no-fumbling, manual of arms. if, god forbid, i’m put out of action my non-gunner wife can intuitively use it. if a taurus or rossi disappears in a police evidence locker i won’t cry too much. perhaps these are some valid reasons why double action revolvers have ruled nightstands and socks drawers for well over 120 years.
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I leave my CCW loaded in a quick access safe, and the CCW safe is a shorter reach when lying in bed than the quick access safe I use for my home defense pistol, so I'd likely go for that first (when the HD gun is locked up), and until I go to bed it is still on me so then it is what I go for first as well. So, usually a P365 (9mm), Taurus 856, Taurus 85CH, S&W 442, Colt King Cobra (3" new model), Glock 19 or CZ PCR, and until this week when I retired it from the rotation, a 1st gen S&W M&P40c was also on that list. My home defense pistol is not always left in the quick access safe. I often use a 1911 type pistol, with the extra step of the safety, I feel comfortable leaving it in my nightstand or under my pillow when I don't have anyone visiting. My choice is my Commander sized S&W 1911SC (1st gen), it is my only 1911 that has been 100% through many thousands of rounds. I also like revolvers for HD, so I'll sometimes load up my S&W 65LS with .38spl (no magnums indoors) or my .45LC S&W 625MG.
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Actually, I think a safety might be a good idea when reaching for a gun in the dark. I think I know my way around the gun well enough to disengage it.

Between the camera siren and a very large & loud nocturnal dog, I'm confident we'll have enough time to execute our HD plan.
Night Stand guns are a compromise of "what fits in the box" instead of "what is comfortable to carry", which gives you more options. It's much easier to put the full-size handgun (or bigger) in the drawer than it is on your hip.

Currently, my night stand gun is my XDm compact in .40, but loaded with full-size magazines and extensions.

Actually, I think a safety might be a good idea when reaching for a gun in the dark. I think I know my way around the gun well enough to disengage it.

My "night stand gun" is in a safe by the bed. If I can disengage the lock on the safe, I can find the proper grip without squeezing the trigger.

Personally, I like to keep a similar MOA on all of my guns.
  • Handguns are Condition 0, whether they are DAO pistols, DAO revolvers, or striker fired. They are ready to go.
  • Long guns are Condition 3*, chamber empty, safety off. The safety is the empty chamber. I ready the weapon with a gross motor movement instead of a fine one.
If I did want to make my night stand gun safer, I would probably change my categories to "Carry Guns" and "Home Defense Guns", and have my nightstand gun therefore be in Condition 3 (or as close to it as a DAO pistol can be).
12 bore slide action trench gun, Remington type, loaded with turkey loads. It’s got all the bells and whistles I need, a heat shield, bayonet lug, and pistol grip.

If I had to use a pistol, it would be a magnum revolver of some form or flavor.
1911. First line of defense is quality doors, quality locks, and reinforced striker plates. They would have to make a lot of noise getting in then decide if they would rather run back out and try to elude police or come at me and get shot COM at least twice.
12 bore slide action trench gun, Remington type, loaded with turkey loads. It’s got all the bells and whistles I need, a heat shield, bayonet lug, and pistol grip.

If I had to use a pistol, it would be a magnum revolver of some form or flavor.

Amen, Brother! Make mine a Winny 1300 with a pistol grip. Revolver is a Ruger Service Six, for the simple fact it’s intuitive to operate and the wife can handle it to back me and the dogs up.
Amen, Brother! Make mine a Winny 1300 with a pistol grip. Revolver is a Ruger Service Six, for the simple fact it’s intuitive to operate and the wife can handle it to back me and the dogs up.
I tried a pistol grip on my Winchester Defender. It was a no-go as far as ergonomics, so back on went the factory stock. It is close by my side of our bed.
A Sig M17 with a 21 round mag and a thumb safety locked and loaded lays by my right hip when I'm in bed.The night sights help make sure I can get my hand on it.My AR leans against the headboard.I've used it a few times on 4 legged varmints that bother things outside.Coons,skunks and possums are always around trying to steal some cat food.Oftentimes it winds being their last meal.
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