No charges in Chicago CCW shooting

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"After the shooting, police responded and determined that the man was shooting in self-defense. The man had a valid firearm owner's identification card, a valid concealed carry permit and police were able to determine that he had completed a required concealed carry class and was properly trained, Sullivan said.

The man is not facing charges as police search for the two males, described as a tall male and a short male. Those two face charges."

I'm sure it's just the way the article portrays it (my guess is the FOID and CCW cards contain that info), but they make it sound like they did their due diligence and then some on the shooter before going after the actual crooks. Still, odds on the man hours spent verifying the CCW holder vs. combing the streets for a tall man and a short man? Also, odds on the tall man and short man pulling this crap again on the same day? I'll venture to guess this incident didn't 'reform' them, but they probably took the rest of the day off to count their blessings ;)

Glad to hear no one had to get hurt on this one. Hopefully those jerkbags will tell their friends what's up.

Great news

There is a good chance one may have been hit, but they know a hospital visit means jail time, so they are nursing it themselves.
Let's see if Mayor Rahm contacts his buddy Holder at DOJ or someone at the IRS and they find a way of nailing the guy on a Federal rap.:cuss:

This shall not pass in Chicago.
He was on his own property so didn't really need the CCL, but it's nice to know.

I don't know IL law. Do they allow one to carry (concealed or otherwise) outside the house without a CCL, even if on your own property? It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the answer was "no"
Posted by barnbwt: “I'll venture to guess this incident didn't 'reform' them, but they probably took the rest of the day off to count their blessings“ and change their shorts.

There, I fixed it for you.
Tall male? Short male? Really? Is that it?
After viewing many news stories, when they leave the race of the perp out, it's because it's usually one particular race. Just noting observations.
I don't know IL law. Do they allow one to carry (concealed or otherwise) outside the house without a CCL, even if on your own property? It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the answer was "no"

Yes, you can carry a firearm on your person while on your property / fixed place of business without a CCL.
those FOID cards need to be made illegal.. firearm owner identification.. sounds like someones cataloging all the gun owners in their state
I'm sure this news will spread among the criminal element in Chicago, hopefully some will choose a less dangerous line of work.

The bad news is there is a list as long as your arm where you can't carry.
" those FOID cards need to be made illegal.. firearm owner identification.. sounds like someones cataloging all the gun owners in their state "

You are correct Illinois wants to know who "own" weapons . They find out what you own from the Fed paperwork. Lots of people do privet sales to get by the paper.
as they should do private sales.. FOID is illegal and unconstitutional and any illinois resident that refuses to comply will earn respect in my book
And of course, no press coverage by the major news sources.

Why would major news services cover a mundane, non-news event that happened on the local level? It isn't big news when no charges are filed, certainly not at the "major news sources" level. It was covered by the Chicago Tribune, a local news source covering a local event. Even then, it must have been a less than dynamic news day.
Why would major news services cover a mundane, non-news event that happened on the local level? It isn't big news when no charges are filed, certainly not at the "major news sources" level. It was covered by the Chicago Tribune, a local news source covering a local event. Even then, it must have been a less than dynamic news day.

True the story isn't very exciting. This is a bigger story though because it is the 1st person that had a CCW that did that. This would be more of a story because it would spark the conversation of the affect of the recent CCW laws there.

If this happened again tomorrow it would be a non-story. Another thing is that the media was sure to air the story nationally of the CCW instructor that accidentally shot a student...even though it wasn't fatal or that serious. They are also sure to air other stories that support their anti-2a agenda but they skip over this one? I hardly ever (maybe never) read any stories about a good guy with a gun fending off criminals where no shots were fired or at least no fatalities. Even when shots were fired or even fatalities it doesn't seem to make the news that often.

I always read about every single person that accidentally shoots themselves while cleaning a gun or shoots someone by accident (even when no serious harm occurs and even if it really isn't that local to me). I even read stories about every time a kid brings a toy gun to school. It's not a coincidence.
Depending on the intensity of the criminal it might be enough for him to change his MO to something a little safer. Just getting swept with a gun I knew was loaded at the range was enough to give me that little stir inside, I would think even some criminals would be deterred after getting shot at.
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