North Korea performs first nuclear test...

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Yup, it will change. In any case, there's nothing we can do about it.

“The nuclear test is a historic event that brought happiness to the our military and people,” KCNA said.
Yes, I'm sure the millions of people who are starving are just thrilled that the money for their food for the next 6 years just got spent on a warhead so N.Korea could just see our reaction.

My question is, what took so long? I mean, c'mon, everyone knew the question was "when?", not "if".
We could have done something about it.... but I guess those types of ideas would be too 'unpopular'


Encourage Japan to begin it's own nuclear program in order to hopefully entice them to eliminate each other.

Engage in 6 party talks to ensure that these dangerous weapons that they obviously have enough of to test them, are kept in safe and secure locations... free from would be terrorist buyers.

Initiate a large-scale military strike, up to and including nuclear weapons to eliminate this threat.

On another hand, the USGS hasn't reported any seismic activity on the NK/SK peninsula... this might all be a big hoax on the part of NK... somehow I doubt it. Wonder why the South Koreans would report it before U.S intelligence does... I KNOW that we would know the second it happened... or else I wouldn't trust our system for ****.
Hard to say with that nut case in charge. Even the Chinese have cooled greatly toward him, after seeing just how loose a cannon he is.; It's not in their best interest to have an unpredictable head case that makes many of his country decisions on some twisted logic. Shame they don't have some sort of AD....:evil:
I have to ask; why do you believe them? Until US or Chinese or Russian or IAEA sources can confirm it, I'd NOT believe them. It's decades-old technology that can detect if a nuclear explosion has occured, through seismic or radiation sources, in an airplane or on the other side of the world.

Oh, wait, "there was no radioactive leakage from the site". I guess that means no-one can verify it happened because there was no leakage, riiiight.

I suggest you consider this to be BS, until proven otherwise.
Have japan begin a nuclear program?

Think on this, how many years has Japan gotten most of their power from nuclear power plants. How much reclaimed plutonium do they have from normal conversion of U-238 in the reactors. They pioneered the pebble bed reactors that run on plutoniom.

I doubt if Japan has nuclear weapons today. I would be willing to bet that they could have several finished weapons within 12 hours.

China IMHO is going to be the country to watch. They may feel obligated to act over this.
I've already said

On another hand, the USGS hasn't reported any seismic activity on the NK/SK peninsula... this might all be a big hoax on the part of NK... somehow I doubt it. Wonder why the South Koreans would report it before U.S intelligence does... I KNOW that we would know the second it happened... or else I wouldn't trust our system for ****.


Sure, it could be fake... it's only being reported by South AND North Korean news. Why would North Korea report that it conducted a nuclear test if it didn't? Maybe it was a fizzle or something. Regardless, it should be an interesting lesson on news reporting. Luckily, none of the news that i have been watching has jumped all over it... just speculative so far....
Oh heck, anybody can build an a-bomb. Trying to control the spread of 1940's era military technology is impossible in this day and age. People tend to exaggerate the threat of North Korea. North Korea just wants to be left alone. Over the years, the political climate has changed in South Korea to the extent that they resent America's aggressive anti-North Korean stance.

If the Japanese feel nervous, the US should rennounce the post-WW2 agreements with Japan over the use of nuclear arms. Let the Japs have the bomb and they can handle it, not us. The benighted land of North Korea is not worth the life of one American soldier or sailor. We have to resist the hysterical voices that regard every inch of the globe as being of vital US security interest.
CNN is reporting that the US military believes that some type of nuclear test was conducted. They have some seismic readings indicating that some type of underground detonation took place.
WHY is this taking so long for the US to confirm????

Now the USGS is saying they heard 'something'....

Man... can the US tell if ANYONE uses a nuclear weapon or not? Can't we tell the difference? You can't tell me that the government and president didn't have at least 100 different canned responses to questions like this. Why hold on to the info? If they can't detect an underground nuclear test in a known site why should we trust them to detect any weapon launch at all?

It's pretty much a confirmation at this point according to me... I'm just pissed at the slow US response.... lets all let NK think we're this slow to react. Our supposed missle shield won't do crap if we don't know if they launch them until 2 hours later.
It hasn't been confirmed.

We (Uncle Sam) have damned good methods to do so. Trust me. The agency's big gray/white bird will be winging it's way if it really happened.

Until then, keep 'yer seats. When the State Department or White House get on the airwaves and say something, then worry about a North Korean nuclear test. Otherwise, it was a sub-critical weapons effect test, or an HE package sans fissionables, both of which can make a seismic signature, albeit with a very small (sub-kiloton) yield.

Resume Chicken Little squawking in 3, 2, 1... :scrutiny:
Resume Chicken Little squawking in 3, 2, 1...

Snicker, thats kind of what I was thinking.:D

Folks there are other countries and people with access to many nuclear weapons that worry me more then KJI. Remeber that there is a culture of sabre rattling etc. there.

China now reports NK has tested one.

I agree that it could just have been the HE package, which could account for the lack of major seismic activity, and would really give them a good test as far as their ability to actually detonate what they have... they would just dig that core out of the ground and see how it compressed... or however they work those things.

Oh well, I'm not that worried about it.. I'm sure everything will be the same tomorrow. It's not like you couldn't buy one given enough resources... probably even from US! Interesting story to watch though, and YES our world will most defintely change as a result... I don't like it, but I do like being a witness to history.. even though it may eventually destroy us all.
A South Korean official said an explosion had been detected in the north-east of North Korea, measuring 3.5 on the Richter scale.

From BBC. There is also now confirmation that KIGAM, the geological assessment agency of South Korea, has detected a seismic event of magnitude 3.5 at the test site.

Don't feed the troll!

Kim Jong Il is the Terell Owens of the international world. He does crazy things and the world media fawns and gasps and hypes and pontificates for weeks afterwards. I say stop giving him the attention he craves, and stop legitimizing his nutbaggery. Maybe they tested the bomb, maybe they didn't; but since no one has proved him wrong, he created yet another international stir possibly by doing nothing at all. Mr. Il likes to rattle his saber, but at the end of the day he will be facing down US and a whole lot of other countries' guns if he tries to do much.
Keep in mind that this could be provocation for CHINA to strike them, too...they don't want them as a neighbor with nukes, and they already called a test "unacceptable".

This could get...interesting.
How am I a troll?

And why wouldn't he face down the barrels of dozens of countries when none have really even cared that he's been developing them for years? Why has nobody made the least amount of effort to even stop him? Even if he did stage a test, we know that NK has them regardless. This is simply posturing and announcing to the world that their little lackluster bassackwards country is now on par with the worlds largest superpowers... and none of us can stop them.... sounds like a good example for everyone else out there... iran.. cough...

US NOW CONFIRMS... an hour later. Good job guys...

400 kt weapon. Nice. Wonder what the street price is on one of those babies.
Conjecture at best. Dangerous conjecture, at that.

"Somebody set us up the bomb!" :D

The DPRK is a seismically active region of the world, not withstanding all the tunneling that Kim Jong Il has his lemmings accomplish, the dam building, and all the other explosives he just can't seem to get enough of, including the Taepo Dong missiles that never quite reach their intended targets.

South Korea is also on a hair-trigger war footing, and even a bumblebee fart from north of the DMZ tends to send them into conniption fits.

Sit back, take a deep breath, and let the story either gel or dissolve. We'll know soon enough whether it was the real thing, maybe decoupled from bedrock in that abandoned coal mine, or a weapons effect test sans good stuff.
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