I just love pitching against batters who swing for the fences with every pitch. I'll win every stinkin' time.
really...let's see:
A few random thoughts in no particular order:
--Perhaps the NRA recognizes that a litigation strategy of advancing RKBA is fiendishly expensive.
compared to losing our rights? Yes, must not waste $$$. And considering how many millions they spend lobbying, that's a really stupid assertion. SWING..STEEEEEEERRRRIIIKKE ONE!
--Perhaps the NRA recognizes the entire monstrosity called gun control law can be disassembled with a handful of strategically chosen cases.
They haven't filed any cases except the two or three they've lost. Can't win if you don't file. STEEEERRRIIIIKE TWO!
--Perhaps the NRA recognizes it is not good mojo to be the dominant legislative influence group and the dominant litigation advocate.
It would be bad to really be as powerful as everyone says they are????? WHaaaaaaA?
--Perhaps the NRA uses litigators who know what they are doing in arguing cases before the appeals courts and supreme court as opposed to gun rights keyboard commandos.
"yes, we lost this one, but we're REALLY going to take them next time!"
That was the Japanese strategy in 1945. Oh, and if Halbrook can't quote Title 10 USC as it relates to the militia, he DOESN'T know what he's doing. This is like a physicist who doesn't understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or an author who doesn't understand third person omniscient POV.
STEEEEEEEEERRRRRIIIIIIKKE FOUR! (and you ALSO are a keyboard commando, me bucko!)
--Perhaps the NRA is sufficiently plugged in to legislative and judicial sources to know that a showdown court case will blow up in the face of RKBA.
This translates as "we can't win honestly!" It may be true, but in that case, Sarah Grabby is right. I'd hate to live in that world.
"We can't fight a war! What if we LOOOOOSE?" That was the Saxon strategy against the Normans and Danes, the French strategy against the Germans, the Romanian strategy against the Turks, should I continue?
If I'm going to lose, it's going to be like the Alamo, the Mujahideen, Metzada and Thermopylae combined...they're going to KNOW they had a fight.
Batter up?
Oh, and I'm still waiting to see one of the many court cases the NRA has filed and won. Or at least filed. I do recall them supporting NFA 34 and GCA 68 and helping write the Brady Act. Nice allies.
"Our archers are so numerous," said the envoy, "that the flight of their arrows darkens the sun."
"So much the better," replied Leonidas, "for we shall fight them in the shade."