NRA Life Membership, is it worth it?

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fouled bore

Jun 30, 2015
Southern Indiana
My dues are coming up and I see that they will be going up March 1. Right now there is a deal to join as a life member at half price ($500). With life member dues increase from $1000 to $1500 I would expect this deal to come back around for $750, I could save $250 if I did it now. Is it worth it to be a life member? I do not see any special benefits for life members, is there any?
Is it worth it to be a life member? I do not see any special benefits for life members, is there any?

I thought there was more firearms insurance? And a small life insurance policy in case of accidental death. But I would advise simply call them and ask. And yes, given dues increase, I could see where a life membership would be advantageous
Life membership earns you $10,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage. But most importantly, it gives you bragging rights that you are an NRA Life Member...which combined with a buck might get you a cup of YES, it is well worth it! ;)
when you see how much liberals bitch and moan about the NRA you realize it is totally worth it. Read the moms demand action facebook page to see all the good they think your money is doing.
Honestly it depends on how long you live. If you die next week then, no it wasn't. I plan to live forever so I became a lifer a few years ago.
I went Life in 66....upgraded to Endowment.For the fight they have done
in firearms freedoms,,,,YES they are worth the money!
I plan on renewing every two years as that way I am spurred to keep giving them money. I fear as a life member I would be a financial liability for the organization as despite intentions I might not always write them a voluntary check if I already had life membership.
I joined a few years back when they had a $300 special price and consider it a great investment in protecting my rights. Especially given the political situation as it exists today. As far as things have deteriorated under Emperor Obama I'd still consider it a great bargain at todays price of $500.

I'm planning on upgrading to benefactor status when my finances allow. I may not always love 100% of the decisions of the NRA, but I know they are far and away the best advocate out there guarding my second amendment rights.
I figure it this way. There are a lot of people out there who would very much like to take away my guns or more important usurp my rights. There is no shortage of Michael Bloombergs out there financing them. The NRA and ILA (ILA is legislative branch of the NRA) do my bidding for me. Everyone is lobbying someone.

As to the cost and worth it? I guess it really depends on ones budget. Some people don't see $500 as a heck of a lot of money but for those who don't have it then $500 is a heck of a lot of money. So my thinking is this, if you can afford it then go for the life membership, especially during these trying times. If the membership is a little steep then just a year or two till you can afford a life membership. Inflation hits everything. Worth it? Absolutely!

for $8.33/ month ($25 quarterly) for 5 years, for the programs they provide, the rights they protect, amounts to less than a box of ammo.

But membership is separate from the ila, and that's where the legislative battles are happening.
It is definitely worth it. As stated above, the NRA fights for all of our rights and needs to be supported.

Monetarily, I think it's a good deal. I waited for the 1/2 price upgrades when I first upped to Life Member, so the price wasn't bad.

I am by no means a rich man, but by being patient I've been able to upgrade my Life Membership a few times in the past several years when the special pricing deals were made available. Early this month, there was a deal to upgrade from Patron to Benefactor for just a few hundred bucks, so I jumped at it. One of the reasons that I do is to keep a somewhat steady stream of dollars headed the NRA's way so they can keep doing what they do.
I don't know what they're worth to the NRA...

I've had 2... two... more than one... fully paid and don't have a single one now. One given to a friend as a gift disappeared as well.

All three were fully paid up front and acknowledged by the NRA as lifetime.

When the "lifetime" status of the first one disappeared, I figured, hell, it was so cheap when I paid it the first time another "re-up" wouldn't hurt me.

When the second one seemed to be erased by the NRA - in addition to all the money I gave them in monthly "alerts" and dramatic pleas for suplimental contributions - I threw in the towel.

I appreciate the NRA's efforts and effects but I'm not gonna get a third "life membership" in support of the currently bloated bureaucracy.

I say, give it a shot but watch your status closely and watch for the status of your membership to falter. I think the heads-up will come in the form of alerts for annual dues even with a fully paid life membership. Ignoring those is probably the problem though they shouldn't be sent in the first place.

Anyone who appreciates the significance of the 2nd Amendment should be a member of the NRA. It's that simple. The NRA has been called many things by many people, including the negatives uttered by hoplophobes, but the late Lt. Col. (Ret'd) J.D."Jeff" Cooper called it "the greatest civil rights organization in history" and I believe it.


I had been paying annually the last six years but last month upon renewal I upgraded to a Life Membership.
The gun grabbers absolutely HATE the NRA. That should be all anybody needs to know.

When the same congress that gave us Obamacare couldn't pass any anti-RKBA legislation, that whatever the nra, goa, sfa, etc are doing, it is working.

Just as importantly you should support your state association if one exists.
Ditto on much longer you plan to live.

I upgraded to LIFE membership in 2000 so it was worth it cost wise.

I decided to upgrade a month ago to ENDOWMENT for $200.00. I have no idea what, if any, additional benefits come with it but it makes it easier to contribute $200.00 for the NRA's war chest.

In appears from news reports that Obama is going to issue a executive order expanding the definition of a gun dealer to private sales and background checks. It is is going to take a lot of money to fight this in the Courts.
15 years of annual memberships will equal out to the cost of the life membership the way I figure it. I am sure they have a lot of members join for a few years and let it expire. With a life membership at this price they can get what is equal to more years of dues and have your name on their roster for many more. I believe this is the benefits for them. The more names they have on their roster the more influence they have. I believe I will do the life membership. I just wish I had the $$ to sign my kids up now. :(
Hillary wants to fight the NRA. We are the NRA. Hillary wants to fight us. That kind of logic doesn't always work out, but in this case I believe it does. Right now I'm on the budget plan to move up to Patron Life member. I'll probably just cut them a check instead of paying monthly though.
I've been a Life Member since it was all of $100.00. Am now proudly a Benefactor Life Member! :cool:
The NRA is not an inanimate object as the left tends to portray it. The NRA is the voice and votes of millions of law abiding gun owners who seek to defend their 2nd amendment rights.

I became a patron member not for the benefits but to support an organization that fights for us. It also instills pride when I hear Hillary et al bash the NRA’s success.

The antis are well financed and have the media on their side. Freedom is not free. So joining is well worth the cost. They have monthly payment plans that ease the contribution.
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