NRA Members: Do you have an NRA sticker on your car?

NRA Members: Do you have an NRA sticker on your car?

  • Yes

    Votes: 276 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 432 61.0%

  • Total voters
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No, I live in a college town and there is no bigger bigot than a gun hating college punk. :cuss: :fire:
I think its interesting that five years ago when this thread went to sleep the vote was 46% to 54% (or pretty close to that) against the stickers now it's like 2 to 1 I wonder if that's an indication of how times are changing
I used too years ago, but back then I also had a rifle in a rack in the back window and didn't have to worry about some low-life scumbag stealing it.

Way too many meth & crack-heads around looking for an easy score to advertise anymore!

Just no longer a good idea, at all.

Wow! Holy Thread Necromancy Batman!! FIVE years++?!!

That one made me laugh out loud!Thank you Neo-Luddite.:)
I don't have any NRA stickers on my car.Joe Cool's remarks are very pertinent regarding being targeted because of gun or politically oriented stickers,frames or plates.I think I remember reading that Mas Ayoob article several years ago about not doing anything to attract negative attention to your vehicle.
I will wear NRA or S&W garb mainly t-shirts or jackets,but even then picking the "spots".
Living in a small rural community might change my attitude about this matter.Unfortunately,I don't.
I used to have two on the car. But my employer bans guns on the property. When I want to go to the range, I have to park at a lot down the street. With a half dozen guns locked up in the car, I didn't want to attract any unnecessary attention. The people that work in the building at that lot are an unsavory bunch.

Nope - I'm a life member, when you get to be a life member the only thing NRA sends you for free are donation envelopes. I've brought this to mant of NRA's fund raisers to no avail. Still it's the best organization out there.
No, I don't want the attention. However, I do put the pro gun bumper stickers on my guitar cases. Likewise, I also put bands/radio stations stickers on my rifle cases. Always creates wonderful confusion.
This is all I have on the back of my truck


The one on the far right is a faded SCUBA flag. I can probably get rid of the Fred Thompson sticker.
If only Fred was still a choice--sorry to digress. I went through campaign school a few years ago fot the GOP they basically stated that to candidates bumper stickers are a waist of money because they don't influence anyone. I think NRA stickers are about the same.

Oddly enough there were MANY car break-ins in a single night in my old neighborhood and there were a very few cars that were not - mine was one them at that time I had only the round sticker on my car, and a "Fight Crime Shoot Back" sticker

This is my plate now...
Of course!

I see no reason to hide. I have an NRA member sticker and a VCDL "Guns Save Lives" sticker on the back window of my HHR. I have never had any type of problem nor do I anticipate one.

Charlotte, NC
I keep going back and forth about putting one on mine. I don't really care for bumper stickers, but the NRA logo is small and classy so I keep wondering if I should just do it. I would almost definitely get the NRA license plate instead if I didn't already have the peace officer memorial plate.
Have three stickers on the back window of my pickup truck--

National Rifle Association
Sea Ray
Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association

My wife has an NRA sticker on the back window of her car.


I have the NRA Life Member round sticker on my back window and the NRA Live Member license plate on the front bumper.

The only response I've gotten from them is people asking me for membership applications. :)
NRA Sticker

NRA ,local R&P club,"Peace through superior firepower","Freedom is not free","Real men love Jesus" and all topped off with an NRA Life Member license plate frame on the rear. An open invitation? Maybe, but all things I feel strongly about. No problems so far for twelve years.
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