Obama calling for more control

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Let the Panic 3.0 begin...
Oh great! Then ammo will be difficult to find especially .22lr, then the same 10 people will stand in line each day at Walmart to buy up all the ammo and then they will sell it for double and triple the cost online and the prices will go through the roof.......and......and...

Oh...wait,... that is what is going on right now....

The president is preaching to his fans of course, and much (if not most) of the mainstream media will dote on his every words. Meanwhile an election is coming, and many Democrat legislators and governors that will be up for election privately - or sometimes openly - wish he would shut up.

Those who are buying guns and ammunition because they fear future bans or regulations are not likely to be kind to them when they get a chance to hit back in a voting booth.
According to RT, .... he is using that "C" word...Confiscation.


Obama cites Australia’s gun confiscation program as example for US

“A couple of decades ago Australia had a mass shooting similar to Columbine or Newtown, and Australia just said, ‘Well, that’s it. We’re not doing — we’re not seeing that again,’ and basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws, and they haven’t had a mass shooting since. I mean, our levels of gun violence are off the charts. There’s no other advanced, developed country on earth that would put up with this,”

Well because unlike Australia we have checks and balances and we are not a socialist state run by a dictator.

I used this NRA link

To email all my lawmakers from local all the way to the President; indicating I was appalled at the Presidents statement and how he has broken his oath to uphold, defend and protect the constitution (all of the constitution including the 2nd amendment)

If everyone did this, there could be some pretty positive results.

Obama cites Australia’s gun confiscation program as example for US

“A couple of decades ago Australia had a mass shooting similar to Columbine or Newtown, and Australia just said, ‘Well, that’s it. We’re not doing — we’re not seeing that again,’ and basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws, and they haven’t had a mass shooting since. I mean, our levels of gun violence are off the charts. There’s no other advanced, developed country on earth that would put up with this,”

Well because unlike Australia we have checks and balances and we are not a socialist state run by a dictator.

Australia has actually had several prominent shootings since then: Monash University in 2002 and the Robina Mall shooting. Gun control groups like to say these don't count as mass shootings because they rely on the FBI data - and the FBI doesn't count "mass killings" unless four or more people die. So by the FBI standards, the two Australia shootings mentioned above don't count as "mass killings" (of course, neither would several of the recent incidents now being used to push gun control).

Just another way of playing fast and loose with definitions in order to make a dubious 30-second soundbite for the evening news that sounds good.
Obama has almost reached the point of being a lame duck, and will certainly be a lame duck after November. People are not paying particular attention to anything he says anymore.

The problem for gun owners is not Obama, but a shift in sentiment among the general population. I think we're getting close to a tipping point, and this plethora of homicidal incidents, magnified by a willing press, is not helping our side.

Do not smugly assume that the Second Amendment protects us. If public opinion turns overwhelmingly against guns, the Second Amendment can and will be repealed. Look at how quickly public opinion turned on the issue of gay marriage, and on the legalization of marijuana.

I also notice that the Supreme Court has become increasingly reluctant to take on gun cases. Maybe "gun weariness" has set in among the five members of the Court that ruled in the Heller and McDonald cases. Even the Justices are not immune to the pressures of public opinion.
But they still passed obama care when 80% was against it. Same with forced busing gay marriage affirmative action etc.They are only concerned with public opinion when it goes against what was the foundations of this country
Rates are all that can be compared with any relevance so our rate being so very high compared to other countries in our socioeconomic standing is what's disturbing. Homicide rates, total, not firearms homicide rates, is more valid than trying to compare firearms rates. Why is American society so violent? Why are our homicide rates so high? Those are the questions that need solutions and not the means of homicides since there are plenty of countries on the list with similar rates to ours that have very stringent firearms restrictions.
I say it is because there are too many different types of people here now. When this country was over 90% European Christian there were no problems like this and guns were brought and stored in schools
Originally posted by Midwest:

According to RT, .... he is using that "C" word...Confiscation.


Obama cites Australia’s gun confiscation program as example for US

“A couple of decades ago Australia had a mass shooting similar to Columbine or Newtown, and Australia just said, ‘Well, that’s it. We’re not doing — we’re not seeing that again,’ and basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws, and they haven’t had a mass shooting since. I mean, our levels of gun violence are off the charts. There’s no other advanced, developed country on earth that would put up with this,”

Well because unlike Australia we have checks and balances and we are not a socialist state run by a dictator.

I'm no fan of BHO's views on gun ownership, but I read this entire article and could not find where he said anything about "confiscation."

Oh, I'm sure that he privately would like nothing more than to round them all up (if he could), but as far as I can gather from this article, he's expressing his admiration for Australia's "strict gun control laws," nothing more. I'm not even sure if he even knows exactly what those laws are, other than they're "stricter" than ours.
Oh, Panic 3.0 is coming. This time it's not going to be just ammo. It's going to be the guns and mags that go with 'em. All we need is one or two more "mass" shootings.

I put quotes around mass because when does the death of a couple/few people count as a mass???!
Oh, Panic 3.0 is coming.
:neener: You funny!

Really, though, you do have to read his words for what they are: a lament at a failed opportunity. They had the best chance they've ever had since JFK to capitalize on public outrage over a killing, and they completely lost. They didn't fail, they were defeated. Beaten. Soundly. That opportunity isn't coming back. They burned up the political capitol they had for these things and it came to naught.
Panic 3.0? Meh.

When did "Panic 2.0" actually end? I still can't find gun powder on store shelves, and .22 lr ammo hasn't been spotted in any of my local stores in at least the past 18 months.

The panic never ended, or at least the supply never normalized. So, honestly, it hardly matters at this point.

Regardless, Obama is just blowing hot air. He has no backing for national-level laws right now, and he can't write them himself. The state level issues can definitely be a threat in swing states like mine, so that is something to watch for.
Hope and change. Smoke and mirrors. Political grandstanding on the graves of the victims. Nothing to see here. Anyone else notice that the "teacher" looks as if she also has a Desert Eagle shoved down the front of her pants.
simple grandstanding. obamas peeps, voters, whatever you want to call them, hate guns.

they consist of roughly 3 types. liberal elites, who live in gated communitys, have never needed a gun for either hunting, subsistence or self protection. they really see no reason for anybody to own a gun. since they dont need one, nobody does.they honestly believe this.

group 2 is big city nonworking poor.almost all of them know somebody who is a victim of gun violence. mostly because of the high crime rates in their particular area. they also mistakenly believe that taking guns out of the system will result in criminals not having guns.

group 3 is smaller but made up of working people barely making ends meet. if they had a gun they would trot it down to the pawn shop and git 50 buks for it. so thus they think gun owners are just rich republicans.so they hate them.lots of them are taking full advantage of lots of the programs obamas party have instituted so they are loyal to him.

is a pretty simple thing really. you stay with the hand that feeds you.
Originally posted by Midwest:

I'm no fan of BHO's views on gun ownership, but I read this entire article and could not find where he said anything about "confiscation."

Oh, I'm sure that he privately would like nothing more than to round them all up (if he could), but as far as I can gather from this article, he's expressing his admiration for Australia's "strict gun control laws," nothing more. I'm not even sure if he even knows exactly what those laws are, other than they're "stricter" than ours.
You are correct. However, a quick look at their gun laws and you'll know that if switched to the U.S. it'll mean confiscation as their laws put the government in charge of what is considered "a real need". And that's scary considering the mess our government makes of deciding what's "a real need" in just about every other situation. LOL!!
Sam1911 said:
Really, though, you do have to read his words for what they are: a lament at a failed opportunity. They had the best chance they've ever had since JFK to capitalize on public outrage over a killing, and they completely lost. They didn't fail, they were defeated. Beaten. Soundly. That opportunity isn't coming back. They burned up the political capitol they had for these things and it came to naught.

-- Sam

I'm sure glad we have your level headed,calm wisdom here. It's needed.;)
You really want to panic

what if its all part of a larger long term plan. I am not making this up.

Just prior to 9/11, some information was leaked about some major changes that "some folks" needed to get better control on the general populous. A major event would be needed to begin a series of these controls in the form of police authority, survailence, searches, etc. Also, an unarmed populous. It would not happen overnight but over a long period.

9/11 occurred and gave us the Patriot Act. The first step. NSA surveillance, targeting of gun owners, warrantless searches legalized, gitmo, caving...etc...we have seen the erosion of rights and many have said we are at or close to a police state. DHS and other agencies storing tons of arms and ammo.

Fast forward to today. We now have what would have to be called a socialist president, open doors to "undocumented", early release of up to 50,000 inmates, release of terrorists, spying on Americans at every level, ..sounds like a crime wave waiting to happen which will cause more gun violence...more calls for lockdown of the American people. Rights going to the wayside with an elite few calling the shot...

But hey...just something I heard...about 14 years ago...
what if its all part of a larger long term plan. I am not making this up.

No. There's no "long term plan." (By whom? Unnamed conspirators? The government?) The reality is that we just lurch from crisis to crisis. The gun-grabbers are simply trying to take advantage of whatever crisis arises. They are certainly not the "evil geniuses" that some make them out to be. If they were, we would have had complete gun confiscation a long time ago. So, if it's a conspiracy, it's a spectacularly failed conspiracy.
Ugh, its not helping that the bloomberg backed groups are releasing this 74 shootings at school since Sandy Hook map (which unsurprisingly includes any gunfire on a school campus such as suicides, gang activity, and other incidents which most people wouldn't associate as a mass shooting though that is clearly the intent). Sure they cover there butts with the way they word their articles, but the end effect is still that it makes the current focus of the anti gun lobby seem even worse than it is at a time when the president is calling for more control. And it's not exactly like you can counter the map either, it's not exactly sympathetic to say that those other incidents don't matter, they are still tragedies. But they are still taking advantage of it to pass their agenda.
Alexander...failed ?

So ...there is no such thing as the patriot act ? You can go through an airport without going through security ? How about a ball game ? The NSA is not collecting every email and every phone call? The courts didn't approve warrantless searches due to probable cause and affidavit ? The government didn't impose gun free zones ? You can't be designated a terrorist so that your rights can be suspended indefinitely, held indefinitely ? Ever have your name accidently on a "no-fly" list? There have not been numerous attempts to take our guns? DHS did not order 1.6 billion rounds of ammo in 2013 and for what purpose ? We haven't been giving the okay to illegals to enter the country and we didn't just break America's long held stance on not dealing with terrorists ?

I just have to ask...where have you been ?

EDIT...BTW..the "who is in charge" are not the politicians. They are the tools. Follow the money.
Well if he is calling for it, at least he is using his phone vs his pen....
Just because the President pontificates at a photo op scheduled to further his party's agenda, it's no indicator that the public has suddenly started shifting to his view.

In fact, it's exactly the opposite - as described, it's a lament he failed. No more gun legislation will be coming to vote now, certainly not before an election where even mainstream Republicans are getting tossed by their own voters in the primary - see Cantor, he now has to resign his Majority Leader post because his supporters voted for a more conservative Tea party candidate.

If there has been a shift it's in areas it wasn't expected - CO, NY, and CT have exasperated the conservative voter who's be organizing and driving out elected officials with recalls, initiating lawsuits, or casually ignoring any assault rifle turn in.

Confiscation? The clock is ticking in CT, hasn't started to even happen yet. It's being handled as just another charge to write an additional ticket on old men shooting squirrels with their AR.

If anything, it's getting to be a sign somebody isn't plugged in and sees we DO live in a country with checks and balances. Suggesting the notion of confiscation could happen is like suggesting the flow of recreational drugs is going to stop - just how and where is that going to happen? I speculate any politician who tries will be seeing a lot more OC of rifles outside big box stores or restaurants. The majority of Sheriffs in these states have publicly called out the laws to ban certain guns as unConstitutional.

In that light, I can see where things ARE tipping, but it's not toward the Administration's agenda. It's AWAY from more gun control, as those who did create last panic are now much more aware of things - it's exactly why .22 went short, because it's not the caliber of choice for preppers or those stocking up to resist the government. It's very much the average guy who isn't shooting AR's or building one, it's Joe Public and he doesn't like his hobby messed with by interfering government officials.

So, the President pouts and whines, all the while overreacting to every incident and looking less credible every time he opens his mouth. He's not gaining ground on the issue at all, he's sacrificing his legacy and spending his political capital at an ever faster rate.
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