O'Connor retires!

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There is only a VERY short list of the reasons why I voted for Dubya. A SC nomination is at the very top of the list.

If he wastes this opportunity to place a strict Constitutionalist, it will forever seal his legacy.
Janice Rogers Brown please. If GW nominates Gonzales he needs tared, feathered, diped in vanilla and thrown to the hogs.
Gonzales could be used as a sacrifice. Nominate him and have the senate disapprove and then nominate the acutal first choice. But then again maybe President Bush will nominate someone from this forum. There is nothing that states that a SCOTUS Justice has to be a lawyer. Most anyone on here has enough common sense to make fair judgements. Hell maybe I need to call the President and offer my services. I diffently will rule that most all "Gun Control" laws are unconstitutional. :evil:
Scalia is the intellectual horsepower on the court and the most brilliant jurist the court has seen in some time. Anyone who doesnt recognize that is just ill-informed. - The Rabbi

If Scalia was such an intellectual giant, he would seem more consistent. He strikes me as the lesser of evils, if that's what you want. Neither he nor any of the others look to the Constitution first with any consistency. Although I don't see him as a candidate, I would give Thomas higher marks on that score, having less reverence for the tangled web of past rulings, interpreted to suit the desired outcome. I don't want social engineers pretending to be lawyers.
Janice Rogers Brown believes that the government should be limited in its powers. They aren't the end all see all they want you to think. She is great on personal responsibility.

Gonzales is GW's buddy that is owed. There are far more qualified candidates. I would really like to see some nominees who weren't lawyers to begin with.
Supreme Court Nomination Candidates

Washington Post article - login required

AP article

"A short list of candidates distributed in the White House within the last week had not included the name of any women or minorities, the official said."

"O'Connor's retirement caught the White House by surprise. The administration had been preparing for Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist to step down, and had been mulling how to replace the conservative anchor of the court, according to a senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the private nature of the selection process.

Now, the White House has to reexamine its thinking because it faces a vacancy caused by the resignation of a moderate woman instead of a conservative man."

"Bush said he would recommend a replacement who will "faithfully interpret" the laws."
Gonzales, the Strategic Choice

If Gonzales were put up, then Democrats shot him down, it would be brought up frequently that the republicans are the friends of the people of Hispanic heritage.
That seems like a bad idea to me. What if the Republicans nominate him for that reason, and he gets accepted by the Dems because he's more liberal than what they expected ? If we're going to "sacrifice" a nomination, at least make sure he's solidly pro-RKBA just in case he's embraced.
Be careful what you wish for you may get it. There was an article in the Columbus Dispatch that said that Frist had discussed a Court appointment with Sen DeWine(R) OH. If this is even remotely true and were to play out to the bitter end we would be one vote closer to losing any 2D Ammendment rights that we still retain.

Edited to add: Now John Ashcroft I could live with in spite of his obvious distaste for the separation of church and state. :D
Well, if Bush and GOP grow a pair, they should nominate a conservative. Hopefully one that respects 2A and the Constitution.

There is only a very short list of reasons I voted for Dubya. A SC nomination was at the top of that list. If he wastes this opportunity to place a strict Constituionalist, it will forever seal his legacy.

As if Bush will nominate a Constitutionalist that'll rule against McCain-Feigngold, the Constitution-gutting War on (some) Drugs, PATRIOT, etc..... :rolleyes:

Bush signed several unConstitutional bills into law and advocated passing more. What in the He!! could make anyone delusional enough to think he would be concerned about nominating a SC Justice that would follow the Constitution?? :fire: :cuss:

I'll be happy if he nominates someone who has at least READ the Constitution. :scrutiny:
Thanks, stevelyn. We forget that Bush couldn't possibly do anything right.

How could he? He stole the first election and rigged the second, right? :banghead:
Thanks stevelyn. We forgot that Bush couldn't possibly do anything right.

Well, he is right in his effort to privatize socialist security. :D

My point is with all the other boneheaded stunts he's pulled, don't expect much when it comes to nominating a SC justice.
How could he? He stole the first election and rigged the second, right? - The Rabbi

Yes. That is the standard Democrat line. :barf:

Excuse me. I just like a little objectivity once in awhile, glass half full, and all that. Otherwise, I would probably eat a bullet.
O.K. , now I'm skeered. GW looked into Putins soul and saw a good man. He thinks El Presidente Fox and Saudi Arabia are our allies, and he chose Gonzales as A.G. He ain't real impressive in reading people. :uhoh:
The Dem's are already all over the news, threatening to block any nominee who is too conservative. They want "bipartisanship."

I'd be willing to bet the Dem's would even block Gonzales. So why bother? Go for a strict constructionist and let Frist employ the nuclear option if necessary.

BBB! (Bring Back Bork)
Yeah I am deathly afraid of the Mexican Souter Frog. But I think it is unlikely since Gonzales is:
-historically pro-abortion so far
-of dubious ethical fiber
-and would have to recuse himself a lot thanks to being white house counsel and AG

If the senate was controlled by liberal Democrats, Gonzales would be an easy sell, but it isnt and republicans would be foolish to lose sight of that. The last thing the republican party needs is a nomination that pushes the court to the left and pisses off their entire conservative constituency.

My personal hope is that we get Janice Rogers Brown. Here is why I think it would be good:
-she is a black woman from a poor family who overcame racial descrimination without govt handouts. A good replacement for O'Connor and she is also a great role model for blacks who are considering embracing conservatism.
-she is intellectually very strong, likely an equal to Scalia and definitely miles above O'Connor, who was perhaps average in this respect. She has the same combative approach and sarcastic style as Scalia.
-she disapproves strongly of perversions of the constitution such as happened during the New Deal (which itself she considers to be a socialist abomination). In this respect she is very much like Thomas and would likely not hesitate to overturn "wrongly decided" precedent such as Wickard v Filburn etc.
-she has a respect for gun ownership although she did not attempt to incorporate the 2nd when presented with lack of a RKBA in the CA constitution
I'd like to see Kozinski nominated. Fat chance, I know.

Scalia is the intellectual horsepower on the court and the most brilliant jurist the court has seen in some time. Anyone who doesnt recognize that is just ill-informed. His colleagues are scared of him.

Scalia twisted modern precedents into commerce clause authority over just about anything in the Raich case, while Thomas stuck to the language and the intended meaning of that language, and actually made sense. Anyone who doesn't recognize that is just ill-informed. :neener:
Ann Coulter has a JD from a prestigious law school.

Nominate her.

After the Dims freak about her...Bush could nominate an ax murderer* and they would look moderate.

*Should be one in the Kennedy clan somewhere?
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