Old man Ruger question

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They however are still in the business for the money.. So everybody who has a Mini14 write them that they want 30-rounders, and as soon as the legal problems go away... They will sell them; if you build them, they will buy..
Write now and tell them you want 10 rounders. It won't do any good. I asked them at the SHOT Show years ago and had so much smoke blown up my nether reaches that I was farting smoke rings for a month. Ruger, the person and the company, are not supporters of the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment. Their interest is in the sporting application of firearms, primarily hunting. They also want as much of the police market as possible. If you want to support a company like that have at it, many hunters do, but not pro-gunners.
Couple o'points… Sturm Ruger is a publicly-traded corporation, the only gun company around who was until Smith & Wesson went public last year.

It's currently being run by a former USSS guy named Stutler, as major a "johnson" as ever there was. (He was, sad to say, a kick in the slats away from getting axed by Papa Bill's son-in-law from his deathbed about ten years back, but the son-in-law passed away before the termination notice could be executed.) Why anyone would possibly think that Ruger's policies would die with him, is extremely naïve.

But you are on the money, Jeff, when you state that "Their interest is in the sporting application of firearms, primarily hunting. " Are you aware of the relationship between Sturm Ruger and National Shooting Sports Foundation, your and my host ten days ago? NSSF still doesn't allow any sort of humanoid targets displayed, and only last year allowed anything overtly anti-personnel exhibited, and then only in the segregated "LE Section."

BTW: Ruger did sell 30-round Mini-14 magazines commercially for about two years in the mid-80s, then went back to his restrictive policy.
Dean, I've read and heard of you in the past. Just visited your site. I book marked it. Sorry it took so long, but my computer time is held back by the demand to work and acquire firearms!
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