One tough Alligator

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I would have gone w/ a nice .308 rifle to the head myself:)

That is a big yellow truck, and a big 18ft gator. wow.
Reptilian brain, the brain in some of these animals is not very big, but the juncture of where it connects to the spine is where you want to be hitting it.
Finally a comment from someone who knows

And yes a .22 will do it, or has for me a time or two
id say that the closest taste comparison for gator would be cubed steak... used to frequent a restaurant chain down in FL called gators dockside... they have (suprisingly) gator on the menu
There's a section of the tail beginning at (about) the tail's second vertebrae that's downright tastey. It's a pity that the rest of the animal's meat isn't nearly as good. You want a real Florida meal - have yourself some swamp cabbage with gator tail!
Now that was a good video, I was hoping the warm blood would win.
Must have been one hungry cat to fight that Gator. You have to wonder did momma teach it? Must be pure instinct.
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