I've been running low on the las little bit of my 9mm. Ive been reluctant to order directly from Berry's Mfg because of the "since we are very busy, we may not ship your order for a week" statement on their website. Honestly though, they make a great product for a great price, and with the free shipping it's one of the better deals out there.
Well I'm happy to say that I ordered last night and already received a "your order has shipped" email, or at least it's been processed, or something...either way I'm pleased. Last time I ordered Berry's bullets it was because of a sale at Cabelas, and even on sale they were not this cheap!
Well I'm happy to say that I ordered last night and already received a "your order has shipped" email, or at least it's been processed, or something...either way I'm pleased. Last time I ordered Berry's bullets it was because of a sale at Cabelas, and even on sale they were not this cheap!