Party Chairman Praises Al Gore as Model Democrat

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Does reading this make you want to:barf: :barf: :barf: .

Party Chairman Praises Al Gore as Model Democrat
By Susan Jones Senior Editor

( - Message from Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean: " Al Gore is demonstrating exactly the kind of courage and moral clarity that Democrats will bring when we take back Congress and win elections up and down the ballot this year."

In a message posted on the DNC's "Kicking Ass" blog Wednesday, Dean urged his fellow Democrats to keep fighting for action on "global warming."

"Facts are facts," Dean said. "Global warming is happening, and it threatens our very existence." Dean said Al Gore -- braving "right wing efforts to silence him" -- is giving voice to "one of the great moral challenges of our time."

Dean urged his fellow Democrats to sign an online "letter of thanks" to Al Gore -- a letter "letting him know you appreciate his stand."

Gore's name has returned to the headlines in recent weeks, with the publicity surrounding the debut of "An Inconvenient Truth," a movie alleging that human-caused carbon dioxide emissions are causing widespread damage to the planet. Gore narrated the movie, which includes the same predictions of planetary doom that Gore has been warning about for years.

The film's website says that "humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb."

Dean, echoing Gore, said on Wednesday that corporate (Republican!) special interests are preventing the Bush administration from doing anything to stop global warming.

In his message to fellow Democrats, Dean mentioned that insurance companies, fearing losses from "massive hurricanes" are "fleeing coastlines" and charging huge premiums. And he noted that some climate researchers are predicting a "tipping point that sends sea levels rising by 20 feet by the end of the century."

"The inconvenient truth is that global warming exists -- and thanks to Al Gore, it's now more likely that America will come together and do something about it," Dean said.
:barf: :barf: :barf:
"the kind of courage and moral clarity"
:barf: :barf: :barf:
Are we talking about the same guy who was reinventing himself every couple of weeks when he was making the Prez run??
Is this the same guy who was confused about who invented the internet or romantic novels were written about??
I think this was the same guy who was sitting in a Buddest Temple in a robe, chanting and soaking up incense, but never knew this "church"(aka Chinese donation) was donating illegal political contributions.
:barf: :barf: :barf:
"the kind of courage and moral clarity"
Give me a break.:neener:
I do not doubt global warming. Since we are now at the end of the "Little Ice Age" it is not surprising that things are warming up. Scientists can't adequately explain historic climate shifts, but we are expected to accept the dire warnings of folks like Gore who promise to Save the PlanetTM if we will only drink their kool-aid.
3 problems with global warming.

1) not 100% proven that it even exists.
2) not anywhere near proven that its the fault of man (in fact most of the global warming alamist's data shows that if there is warming going on it happened prior to WWII back when there was a lot less people and a LOT less cars (and no SUVs).
3) even if you buy that its happening, and even if you buy that its man's fault there still is no evidence that it's a bad thing ... in fact there's plenty of evidence that a few degrees of warming and the areas of the earth that can be easily farmed increases and global warming may actually REDUCE violent weather (not increase it as Algore and the other Marxist/Ghia worshipers keep trying to feed us).
Most C02 comes from plankton decay in the ocean and tree/vegetation decay on land. Sounds like the solution is to kill ocean life and deforestation. By far, the greatest greenhouse gas is water vapor. If we can get rid of water on our planet, there won't be a flooding of New York.

Kidding aside, government control of business and global disarmament seems to be the solution to this UN and computer simulation problem that does not match historical records. Socialism seems to be the solution to everything,. It worries me though, since the socialists seem to be most proficient in mass murder.

The socialism will remove guns from the public since government must have total power. Had to add this since my global warming//socialist agenda threads get locked for being off topic.
mountainclimber said:
Most C02 comes from plankton decay in the ocean and tree/vegetation decay on land.
That's a massively distorted statement. I think you'd better read up on photosynthesis before parading that hypothesis around much more.

Plants remove carbon dioxide from the air, even though some is released back into the air upon decay or consumption by animals, fungi, bacteria, humans etc. All life on this planet is the result of NET removal of CO2 from the air by photosynthetic organisms.
When they can tell me, for certain, what the weather will be one week from today, then maybe I will consider what they are predicting for years from now.:D
Al "Day After Tomorrow" Gore? A film based on a book written by a UFO nut late night
radio host from "The Kingdom of Nye" and Whitley Strieber who claims to have been abducted by aliens who put implants into him (and probably did wierd sexual things to him).

Yep, there's an authority on climate change. But, I guess Howling Howard's right though. Model Democrat indeed.
WHEW! I think that "Little Al" Gore smoked too much dope, including Thai stick, during his "Vietnam Experience" as a U.S. Army "correspondent" while safely assigned to an "at the rear with the gear" position WITH a U.S. Army Special Forces bodyguard....compliments of "Daddy" Senator Gore!

While Bill Clinton was using the "rope-a-dope" method of dodging the draft, "Little Al" was using the "smoke-the-dope" method of wearing the uniform!
Is it any wonder that Al Gore's military experience was NEVER an "issue" when he ran for the Presidency? Heck, even "Silver Spoon" G.W. Bush saw more ACTION than Gore, while in flight training as an ANG F-102 pilot!

Now, Gore is telling us that "global warming" is going to consume us within 10 years? Whatever happened to the "scare tactics" of the up-coming "ice age"? How about "El Nino"? Where are the prevailing "jet streams" dropping down to sea level, creating havoc on mankind? SUV owners, you should be ASHAMED of yourselves for having those gas hogs! HMM! John Kerry even told us that he didn't OWN the SUV's that were seen parked within his guarded/gated "compound"! They were owned by "family members"! Yeah, that's it.....someone ELSE owned those "evil" vehicles! And, I guess that Theresa's private jet aircraft (3 or 4 of them?) don't pollute? Maybe they're using Heinz ketsup for fuel!

Man-made or natural? Global WARMING or ICE age? Or maybe a NATURAL phenomenon, with a "cyclic" action that no one can fully explain? On the other hand, it is usually cold during the winter months, and hot during the summer months. When and IF, during the next 10 years, it is freezing during the summer months and hot as Hades during the winter, then....
and ONLY then, will I realize that Al Gore is more than just a total BORE!

I don't see what all the fuss is about. Strikes me that Algore is a good example of the ideal Democrat.
The boy just doesn't get it. Or, maybe he's a masochist? It's pitiful, I really think he still thinks he should be President. Get a grip Al, you didn't even carry your home state. :rolleyes:
Al Gore invented global warming only a few days after he was done with the Internet.
Until last week, I figured he was 2nd on the list of people named Al who wanted to undermine the US for power and sick thrills. But now Al Zarqawi is dead.

You're number one now, Al Gore.

And BTW, the evidence for the hysteria over anthropocentric global warming being yet another pseudo-religious political misuse of science is mounting rapidly.

Global temperatures correlate very well with solar activity, and poorly with human activity. Martian polar ice caps are behaving much like Earth's, which adds credence to the "mostly-solar" hypothesis for temperature change. And no serious scientist links a few hurricanes -- weaker storms than were common in the 19th Century -- to global warming. Only politicians do.
Sergeant Bob said:
Most C02 comes from plankton decay in the ocean and tree/vegetation decay on land.
I was hoping we weren't going to have to go back to the beginning of earth to understand the idea of net reactions.

Our atmosphere, long before our ancestors had even thought about turning into monkies, had no O2 in it. Pretty much none. 99.99999% if not 100% of the molecular oxygen on the planet came from photosynthetic organisms turning that CO2+H20 into carbohydrates + O2.

So maybe you should hug that tree after all. It's the only reason you don't suffocate to death every day.

Also of interest to note are the laws of thermodynamics and chemical equilibria. They pretty much say no reaction goes to completion.
Sorry...but you can type in the biggest font-face you can find, but you can never get all that CO2 back. Even if you tracked down every leaf and every bacterium, and every person including yourself and burned them to ashes there'd still be, well, ashes that had some fixed-carbon in them.

Hence why saying decay or DECAY is the major source of CO2 is distorted beyond imagination. You can decay all you want, but facts are facts, the biomass on the planet (plankton and trees) have resulted in a net removal or, if you prefer, NET REMOVAL of CO2 from the atmosphere even though sometimes they decay.

We now live in a rather pleasant balance of 78% N2, 21% O2, 1% Ar, and 0.03%CO2.

If you are feeling nostalgic and want to return to our primordial atmosphere by all means try to round up all the organic matter and burn it to ashes. You'll never make it 100%, but it'll be a damn good try.
Okay, the earth is how many billions of years old? And the geological evidence shows that the earth has gone through cycles of heating and cooling during all that time. Evidence is even showing other planets in solar system undergo similar cycles.
Ice age anyone? Tropical Alaska? Our knuckle-dragging ancestors managed to survive all of them. What the "problem"?

Why is this cycle suddenly an emergency?

Radical environMENTALism, doomsday weather predictions and environmental catastrophy are a fraud.

As for Al Gore being a model Democrat, I agree. Everytime someone even says the word Democrat we need to hold ol Al up as a reminder and vow never to let him or his kind to ever hold power over us.:D

you're right to a certain degree. The planet will not explode and boil if more greenhouse gasses are released. Life on this planet has for survived for eons even after asteroids and volcanic winters etc.

Humans haven't been around for most of those cataclysmic events. We're not the most durable of species. Few other animals need mochaccino lattes to survive. The ice-age we did pull through likely sucked for most people in it. If we were able to avoid these situations, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

There's a substantial amount of data to suggest that the sheer amount of CO2+et al. liberated by the burning of fossil fuels is consistent with a human factor to the average warming in mean global temperature. But causality has certainly not been established yet. Which leaves human influence as a cause of global warming merely a suggestive hypothesis and not a validated theory.

It's a shame computer models still don't predict reality very well. Some will have you believe that everything will be okay, while other tell you that in 25 years, we'll be living in bad Kevin Costner movies. For those of us outside the field looking in trying to understand, it doesn't inspire confidence in anything anyone says, alarmists and denialists alike.
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