Philly mayor calls for new AWB

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Dec 13, 2008
East Coast, USA

"Mayor Michael Nutter is reaching out to his counterpart across the state, expressing sympathy after the fatal shooting of three police officers in Pittsburgh.

Mayor Nutter says he's talked with Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl:

"I expressed both my sorrow and any support that I could give to him and his city. We've had our share of tragedy here in Philadelphia."

Mayor Nutter says he's concerned by the recent rash of violence; pointing to a shooting in Oakland two weeks ago that left four police officers dead. And Friday's shooting in Binghamton, New York that left 13 people and the gunman dead:

"We need to take a step back and see whether there's any pattern to what's going on here, and make sure that we're protecting all of our citizens, especially those in law enforcement."

Mayor Nutter says he'll continue to push for a ban on assault-type weapons."

Obviously, the shooting is tragic, and it is disgusting how politicians with agendas use tragedies to advance those agendas.

More about Mayor Nutter:


Duh. Aren't all guns that kill cops AK type rifles by definition? I didn't know you could kill a cop with anything but an AK. Am I missing something? :rolleyes:
When I first heard about the shooting, I believe it was automatically released that it was an AK type rifle.

One of his friends was on TV saying that he owned an AK.

Yes, that's probably what it was, but they still have not said for sure but it's typical of the politicos to assume that it's some 'eeevil' thing they can ban.
Interesting note:

In response to the mayor's insistence that we need a new AWB in order to protect leos:

"According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 133 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2008, a 27 percent decrease from year before and the lowest annual total since 1960. "

Having solved all of the other problems (education, corrupt govt, crime, poor business climate, etc...) in the city of brotherly love, it seems only logical that the mayor was looking for something else to do. Protecting the people from evil guns is the obvious choice.
The mayor should first call for tougher sentencing on criminals who possess or use guns in crimes before asking for a ban on "assault weapons"! He is just a typical politician trying to show that he is trying to "do something". Instead actually trying to solve the problem he is coming up with solutions that are "missing the point". pun intended.
I call for a ban on any Philly Mayor speaking on things they know absolutely NOTHING about..or signing any new "Gun Law"
To inject a little

reality. The Pittsburgh 911 operator did not tell the police dispatcher that the guy had guns.
More police officers are killed in automobile accidents than by guns
wait a second, in the paper I read today that these 3 cops died because the 911 operator was told the threat was armed, but the 911 operator didn't pass this or any other relevant peice of info a long to the cops.

maybe we should ban 911 operators
Wouldn't it be cool if the Mayor said we need more Police, more Prisons & more Judges throwing the book at criminals. That would be so cool it would be frozen.
I got held up in Phila (1980) The law is or was 5 years mandatory for armed robbery. The suspect got 10 years probation.
The Mayor's name says it all......

He's let his city be overrun by gangs, his Council is out of control and civil service aren't. What more to be said ? Its his only pony to ride.... >MW
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