I’ve wanted a big bore No. 1 for a while now. Last week I tracked down a 45-70 and picked it up fairly cheap. Took a little over a week to get scope rings and accessories delivered with the Christmas blitz, but I got her all put together with a Leupold VX-R 2-7x33 on top this evening. I’ve got a couple different types of ammo that are drastically different.
The Hornady Leverevolutuion 325 at 2000 fps were pretty tame and in terms of recoil pre-scope. I’ve got a feeling the Underwood 300 grain stuff at 2350 is going to be a totally different creature. I’ve never been “scoped” before, but I feel like I’ll have a decent opportunity next week when I zero this scope.
I don’t reload and don’t really plan to, so I figure this Underwood stuff is about as hot as this rifle will ever see.
Anybody 45-70 lovers here? If so, what’s your favorite factory load for deer and pigs?
The Hornady Leverevolutuion 325 at 2000 fps were pretty tame and in terms of recoil pre-scope. I’ve got a feeling the Underwood 300 grain stuff at 2350 is going to be a totally different creature. I’ve never been “scoped” before, but I feel like I’ll have a decent opportunity next week when I zero this scope.

Anybody 45-70 lovers here? If so, what’s your favorite factory load for deer and pigs?