After some thinking about pistol practicality, magazine compatibility, availability and reliability, a question arose.
The magazine in the autoloader is a critical piece, for all things, feeding reliability, slide lock-back, quick magazine change, malfunction clearing.
Owning several, or being able to acquire is important.
What do you think is the pistol platform that has the most compatible magazines available: manufactured, owned, in circulation?
Is it the .45 1911, the Beretta 92, Glock 17?
Your thoughts please!
The magazine in the autoloader is a critical piece, for all things, feeding reliability, slide lock-back, quick magazine change, malfunction clearing.
Owning several, or being able to acquire is important.
What do you think is the pistol platform that has the most compatible magazines available: manufactured, owned, in circulation?
Is it the .45 1911, the Beretta 92, Glock 17?
Your thoughts please!