Pistol for most common magazine(s) in US


Dec 10, 2023
After some thinking about pistol practicality, magazine compatibility, availability and reliability, a question arose.
The magazine in the autoloader is a critical piece, for all things, feeding reliability, slide lock-back, quick magazine change, malfunction clearing.
Owning several, or being able to acquire is important.
What do you think is the pistol platform that has the most compatible magazines available: manufactured, owned, in circulation?
Is it the .45 1911, the Beretta 92, Glock 17?
Your thoughts please!
My guess would be Glock 17 considering how many are in use by law enforcement and also fit Glock 45 and 47 but the Glock 19 is extremely popular too and used by a lot of agencies. I have no idea how many magazines the military might still have for the Beretta M9 though or what happened to them. Glock magazines also are being used more and more for 9MM carbine rifles, such as the Ruger, and other non Glock firearms too..
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The Glock G26 can use 10,12,15,17,24, and 33 round 9mm magazines.

A G27 with a G33 and 9mm conversion barrels can use all of the above along with slightly reduced capacity mags in .40 or .357 Sig.

Due to the prevalence of Glocks, Glock clones, and carbines that use Glock mags, I'd guess they are probably the most readily available.
Just from the sheer number of guns around and the number of years the platform has been in circulation, the obvious answer would be the 1911.

Even with the current popularity of the Glock platform in LE, I doubt they equal the number of Beretta magazines purchased by the DoD while the M-9 was the standard issue weapon...a several large LE departments adopted the Beretta 92 during that time
What do you think is the pistol platform that has the most compatible magazines available: manufactured, owned, in circulation?
Is it the .45 1911, the Beretta 92, Glock 17?

Compatible with a different platform (PCC v Pistol) or a different size of the same model gun (17/19)?

Going with my gut, Glock for sure. Just too many different platforms using their magazine and the most important aspect OEM mags are extremely cheap.

Thinking outside the box its probably some stupid Ruger as they out manufacture and outsell everyone.
Just from the sheer number of guns around and the number of years the platform has been in circulation, the obvious answer would be the 1911.

Even with the current popularity of the Glock platform in LE, I doubt they equal the number of Beretta magazines purchased by the DoD while the M-9 was the standard issue weapon...a several large LE departments adopted the Beretta 92 during that time

Then there is the fact that Civilians own more Weapons than the Military and all LEO combined.
1. Glock 19, except for foreign import mags.

2. 1911, watch for feed lip problems.

3. Beretta 92, not family friendly, gun too fat in small hands.

3. Ruger Charger, uses 10/22 rifle mags, (this was a vote for my favorite).
Availability of magazines and their potential reliability in a given pistol are not inexorably linked, (1911).
1911 owners may find some brands are more reliable than others in their particular pistol:
Wilson, MetGar, Colt, Kimber, Ed Brown, Springfield, Ruger, Metalform, Pro Mag, Auto Ordinance, McCormick, Tripp...
After some thinking about pistol practicality, magazine compatibility, availability and reliability, a question arose.
The magazine in the autoloader is a critical piece, for all things, feeding reliability, slide lock-back, quick magazine change, malfunction clearing.
Owning several, or being able to acquire is important.
What do you think is the pistol platform that has the most compatible magazines available: manufactured, owned, in circulation?
Is it the .45 1911, the Beretta 92, Glock 17?
Your thoughts please!
1911 is probably the answer just because of longevity. Compatibility from one manufacture to the next (see post #11) is kind of an issue.

However, all kinds of pistols, including 1911s, are now being made to specifically use Glock mags, which says something about compatible, manufactured, owned and circulation of them.
I think there's some grey area in the question; magazines in military arsenals? In law enforcement armories? In private hands in America?

The 1911 and Beretta only really have a chance with the first two; if you start searching closets and safes of current-day American gun owners, it would be Glock magazines for sure.

I think there's some grey area in the question; magazines in military arsenals? In law enforcement armories? In private hands in America?

The 1911 and Beretta only really have a chance with the first two; if you start searching closets and safes of current-day American gun owners, it would be Glock magazines for sure.

Good point. Really good point.
I think there's some grey area in the question; magazines in military arsenals? In law enforcement armories? In private hands in America?

The 1911 and Beretta only really have a chance with the first two; if you start searching closets and safes of current-day American gun owners, it would be Glock magazines for sure.

While there probably are still a bunch of M9/92FS mags in military arsenals, chances are good, today, there are more Glock mags in military arsenals than there are 1911 mags.

I still think there are more 1911 mags sitting around than there are Glock mags.

However, if I were to choose a pistol for a "common mag", I would choose something that used a G17 mag.
After some thinking about pistol practicality, magazine compatibility, availability and reliability, a question arose.
The magazine in the autoloader is a critical piece, for all things, feeding reliability, slide lock-back, quick magazine change, malfunction clearing.
Owning several, or being able to acquire is important.
What do you think is the pistol platform that has the most compatible magazines available: manufactured, owned, in circulation?
Is it the .45 1911, the Beretta 92, Glock 17?
Your thoughts please!

Every gun shop I go to in person seem to have Glock 17 or 19 mags on the rack. All the others are hit and miss.
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I still think there are more 1911 mags sitting around than there are Glock mags.
As a data point, if I were going to the range to shoot 100 rounds of ammo through a Glock G17, without reloading mags, I'd need to bring six mags. To shoot that same 100 rounds through my 1911, I'd need to bring 12 mags.

Simply due to capacity, I suspect most 1911's have more mags per gun than the typical Glock.
Sort of.

An Officer sized mag won't work in a Government/Commander sized gun, and you can over-insert a Government/Commander sized mag into an Officer sized gun.
Like a Glock 26 magazine won’t fit in a 19,17,34, etc. but the other, longer mags work in a 26. :)

Plus, like Glock, there are 1911 mags that are extended out beyond the grip/frame. Some hold 15 .45 ACP rounds. (Maybe longer ones hold more?) These mega-mags aren’t my cup of tea, but they’re out there for those who want them.

Stay safe.
Great answers. Yes, let's count in military/LE arsenals, let's count all residential closets.

So far, sounds like Glock 17 for everyday availability, M9 and full-sized 1911 for deep stocks potential.
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Availability of magazines and their potential reliability in a given pistol are not inexorably linked, (1911).
1911 owners may find some brands are more reliable than others in their particular pistol:
Wilson, MetGar, Colt, Kimber, Ed Brown, Springfield, Ruger, Metalform, Pro Mag, Auto Ordinance, McCormick, Tripp...
That's exactly my thinking though. Replacing one easily, and, if the replacement does not work, easily finding another. Not worrying about losing one or two, etc.
Compatible with a different platform (PCC v Pistol) or a different size of the same model gun (17/19)?

Going with my gut, Glock for sure. Just too many different platforms using their magazine and the most important aspect OEM mags are extremely cheap.

Thinking outside the box its probably some stupid Ruger as they out manufacture and outsell everyone.
Pistols primarily, PCC compatibility is a bonus. As far a model sizes, maximize compatibly (so, platform using longer mags that work in a shorter version is preferred).
Great answers. Yes, let's count in military/LE arsenals, let's count all residential closets.

So far, sounds like Glock 17 for everyday availability, M9 and full-sized 1911 for deep stocks potential.
I think that sounds about right to me.

Anecdotal tidbit… most lgs in my area are going to have Glock and 1911 mags. Almost a given, with the edge going to Glock.