Pistol for most common magazine(s) in US

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An Officer sized mag won't work in a Government/Commander sized gun, and you can over-insert a Government/Commander sized mag into an Officer sized gun.
Glock has different models too, so you need to take that into account. You just can't there are more 1911s, if they don 't all share the same mag.

Also are there really that many 1911s being made these days? is it a top seller? It may be old, and everyone has heard of them, but not sure everyone is buying them still.
Glock has different models too, so you need to take that into account. You just can't there are more 1911s, if they don 't all share the same mag.
1911 mags only come in two sizes...full size and OACP size

Minimally Glocks have three sizes of mags...full size (G17), compact (G19), and sub-compact (G26)

Also are there really that many 1911s being made these days?
In addition to the nine domestic manufacturers, you have to remember that 1911s are also imported from many manufacturers in other countries to supply entry level buyers

is it a top seller? It may be old, and everyone has heard of them, but not sure everyone is buying them still.
Actually it isn't.

The best selling handgun in 2023 and 2024 has been the SIG 365, followed by the SIG 320
I believe Bill Wilson once designed a pistol around a good magazine. The Walther magazine isn't the most popular, but it was proven reliable and had good capacity for its length and girth. Using a proven magazine shortcut pistol design and bypassed the biggest pitfall in pistol reliability.
After some thinking about pistol practicality, magazine compatibility, availability and reliability, a question arose.
The magazine in the autoloader is a critical piece, for all things, feeding reliability, slide lock-back, quick magazine change, malfunction clearing.
Owning several, or being able to acquire is important.
What do you think is the pistol platform that has the most compatible magazines available: manufactured, owned, in circulation?
Is it the .45 1911, the Beretta 92, Glock 17?
Your thoughts please!
All three you named
The most numerous magazines, whether 1911 or Glock 17 or 19, are not very attractive for the reasons that there are many that malfunction, and they are too big for their capacities compared to more recent options. Wilson's 1911 magazines are good, but even Nighthawk had trouble with baseplates breaking. There are numerous 1911 magazines that are junk. Factory Glock mags might be dependable, but the scores of aftermarket magazines must be a mixed bag.
Interesting question. While tens of millions of 1911 magazines were made during WWII, I imagine their mortality rate was pretty high. Plus, huge amounts were probably shipped overseas as military aid both during and after the war.

Given that we are much more of a consumer society than we were even 40 years ago and, given the astonishing gun sales in the last five years alone, I'd bet Glock magazines are more common by a wide margin.
I am another that thinks the answer is Glock. Everybody & their brother is making a 3rd generation G-19 clone now. My Dagger came with a P-mag. While I like P-mags for AR's I'm not a fan of theirs for Glock magazines. I picked up some Glock magazines for it. I trust them more.
There may be more 1911 mags out there, but a bunch of them are junk. If you don't count the junk magazines, Glock is probably the answer.
In addition to the nine domestic manufacturers, you have to remember that 1911s are also imported from many manufacturers in other countries to supply entry level buyers

Its easier to list the companies that do not or have not made a 1911 than it is to list the ones that do.
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Modern, full capacity magazines are one of life's great PITA. Prior to the Clinton ban, most of us didn't worry about extra magazines; lose/drop/bugger a magazine, go buy another.
Now it seems we live, forever, on the edge of a possible ban. Even with Trump now in the White House, some unspeakable tragedy can lead to a legislative stampede to "do something!".
So, a common magazine pattern would be a help, but it's too lucrative for MFGs to make proprietary magazines.
Now, as far as most common, the 1911 isn't 'hi cap', and I have a Star Wars bar scene of mixed 1911 mags. Most interchange.
Of modern, full capacity magazines, I'd bet Glock. When carbine makers have conversions for magazines, Glocks are always a choice.
Sort of.

An Officer sized mag won't work in a Government/Commander sized gun, and you can over-insert a Government/Commander sized mag into an Officer sized gun.

Like a Glock 26 magazine won’t fit in a 19,17,34, etc. but the other, longer mags work in a 26. :)

Plus, like Glock, there are 1911 mags that are extended out beyond the grip/frame. Some hold 15 .45 ACP rounds. (Maybe longer ones hold more?) These mega-mags aren’t my cup of tea, but they’re out there for those who want them.

Stay safe.
Also sort of...

You can't over insert a Glock mag. You can over insert a 1911 mag.

The late Paul Gomez
