pre-ban, post-ban, or no-ban?

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Apr 22, 2005
What's the deal now? it now legal to have a bayonet lug and/or screw-on flash supressor on a "post-ban" lower?
I'm in NC...pretty relaxed gun laws by comparison...but I thought this was a national thing.
Trying to improve my education...and not build something illegal.
NC doesn't have any of the "assault weapons" laws so outfit your rifle as you see fit. When the AWB sunset all those restrictions went down the drain for all except those living in the restrictive states whose state laws covers those items.
i though it was great nytimes had a big article on how the ban lift barely affected sales, didnt affect crimes, it was no big deal etc.
but that during the ban, many "rifles with pistol grips" were still available.

why does "rifles with pistol grips" really mean so much of anything?

gangsters only shoot from the hip? ? ?

it was just weird, they went on and on about how little it really mattered in respect to crime, the ban lift not causing sudden anarchy as feared, but they had to throw the "rifles with pistol grips" thing out there
Rifles are not even used in crimes all that much. Bellyaching about shotguns w/ pistol grip would have made more sense.
Reporters must be watching too much TV.

Pre-ban applies to rifles built prior to 9/13/94* that had two or more of the "evil features."

Post ban is simply a semi-automatic rifle that complied with the AWB.

No-ban is currently manufactured rifles that would have violated the AWB, but are now legal. I've seen RRA using this phrase, dont know about everyone else.

Even if it has a receiver thats stamped "LE/Government use only" its legal for you to own in NC. Same for magazines.

*edit: Hit a a wrong key, and the result was about ten years wrong, lol.
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While I haven't checked on prices lately, I'm sure that my pre-ban M1A and "green label" AR-15 are worth less now than before the sunset. I don't care! I'm gonna buy some more pre-ban and no-ban rifles just to celebrate.
Pre-Ban or No-Ban?? Re: AR-15

Pre-Ban or No-Ban??
Is there any functional difference in these two designations??
It seems like the "pre" is one built prior the AWB and a "No" is one built today that is exactly like the pre-ban rifles. I am confused as to why so many companies ofer new kits for no-ban and pre-ban as two different models - ??
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wowzers, this thread is 3 years old!

To answer the question, several states have State level bans that mirror the defunct AWB. In essence, the ban never expired in some places.
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