PSA JAKL w/ suppressor and supersonic ammo


Feb 28, 2020
Put this on the PSA forum, and then the hand loading forum here but i didnt receive a lot of responses. Mostly curious from this group about CFE BLK, reloading for 300 blackout super vs. sub, suppressor use.

I recently purchased a 300 blackout upper 8.5 inch (it was a blem) and paired it with a PSA JAKL lower. I changed out the muzzle device (dead air brake), grip, trigger guard, and trigger. Added eotech 512 and took it to the range to sight in today.

Started with 125 grain super sonics. I reloaded 20 grains of CFE BLK and SMK 125 grain bullets to 2.24. Without the suppressor, they ran great. I was able to adjust the gas block and they were shooting out at 3 o’clock. I want to say I was in the 3rd or 4th position. Next I tried my subsonic loads (220 berrys with 12 grains of CFE BLK). I opened the gas all the way up and they either dropped out or didn’t pick up the next round. No big deal, they are subsonic and i expected this. I was mainly testing to make sure they didn’t keyhole before putting on my suppressor.

Added my dead air sandman-s to the end and ran the subsonic through. They ran perfectly, ejected where i wanted them. Worked in the 6 and 5 gas position (had to use 6 as i worked backwards down to 11.2 charge). My understanding is the 6 position is "wide open"

Now the issue - I try the supersonic loads and i turn the gas down to the second position. Brass ejects straight forward. Very gassy. ‘Smoke’ coming out of the action, magazines, everywhere. Next, i turn it down to the 1 position and it opens the action 3/4 to full and sometimes ejects the brass. So i feel like there is no position that will cycle the supersonic loads correctly with the suppressor attached. Shouldn’t the position 1 gas also keep the bolt closed? No gas should be coming through right?

Is there too much back pressure with my suppressor? Do i need to try a different powder for the supersonic loads to function correctly with the suppressor?

Could there be an issue with the adjustable gas block? Just looking for some insight to help troubleshoot the issue. I really liked how the gun felt and shot, but i dont want to worry about taking my suppressor on and off. I want 2 loads, super and subsonic where all i have to do is go to the right gas setting.
I sent them an email this morning. I will provide an update once I get a response.
Position 1 will NOT keep the bolt closed. PSA has a video clearly showing the action opening in position 1. It isn't a lock, it's just a minimal setting. I set up my Jakl to run both supers and subs without changing the gas setting. Offhand I have no idea what setting that is, but it works no matter what ammo or what is sitting on the end of the barrel.
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Interesting, that response helps. It could be that my suppressor is just pushing too much gas with the suppressor I guess
I need to also add that my Jakl didn't run properly for the first 200-300 rounds. I'm somewhere under roughly 500 rounds still but the gun has run properly for the last 150-250 rounds. I have a write up on my experience with it here somewhere if you search threads under my name. I would link it, but I'm on my phone and it's a pain.