Recommend Training Near Houston?

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Nov 12, 2007
Southeast Texas
I live 90 miles east of Houston (60 miles west of Lake Charles, La), and I'm considering (civilian) self defense handgun training.

Any recommendations?

I saw your question but didn't answer because I don't know of anything that fits your situation.

We'll be in Bastrop, TX in March for four days of rifle classes. Not exactly what you are looking for and not all that close either.

TacPro is also in Texas but several more hours away from you.
I don't personally know of any shooting academy, school, institute or anything like that here in Houston. I know you can get a lot of different handgun/rifle training courses.

I don't know if this would be worth the drive to you.

Indoor Defensive Pistol Shooting

Shoot different Scenarios. The Course of fire changes weekly.

Fire 50 rounds using defensive handguns only. Scored on raw time and Accuracy. Shoot from behind barricades at multiple targets. Reload and shoot on the move.

Weak Hand, Low Light, Flashlight, Strobe Light, No Light, You name it, we do it. Beginners welcomed and encouraged!

Thursday - 7:00 to 9:00 PM

I.D.P.S. hones your skills and makes you more effective with your handgun. Fee is $15.00.

Not really "training" but its there to get you a feel for some of the stuff you may encounter.

failing that I'd check with the NRA and see who comes recommended.
Check around among the itinerant trainers and see who might be in the area. For example, I see that John Farnam will be in Victoria, TX soon with the kind of training you're looking for:

29 Feb - 2 Mar 08 Basic/Intermediate Defensive Handgun, Victoria, TX

Class description:

Home page:

A good number of the best trainers travel widely and teach all over the country. See

among MANY others. And some come to Louisiana too- see .

Ya gotta look around... you're sitting right in front of a universe of information there at your keyboard, and search engines work for anyone who will learn to use them. Don't sit at the banquet table and starve- eat!

lpl/nc (Who was a librarian in a former life, and never got over it. Don't feel bad, I used to give the same lecture to O&I (Operations and Intelligence) classes of Special Forces soldiers once upon a time.) - near Giddings (Bastrop area).

Highly recommended by ME. Seriously, Karl and Penny put on an excellent series and have good guests - Insights, Givens, etc.
thanks everyone

"Ya gotta look around... you're sitting right in front of a universe of information there at your keyboard, and search engines work for anyone who will learn to use them. Don't sit at the banquet table and starve- eat!"

I failed by only searching the net for Houston based training. my bad

Someone mentioned John Farnam. He is very good, especially on mindset, situational awareness, etc. I thoroughly enjoyed my training with him, and am glad I did. But I believe you can do better for a "first class."

Look up Tactical Response ( or Rangemaster ( Both travel, and both also conduct classes at their academies. Both offer 100% money back guarantees if you are completely thrilled with the class.
If you'll drive to Louisiana -

We have Awerbuck coming in May, Tiger Mckee in the fall, and will probably try to squeeze a couple handgun classes in as well... still firming those up. That said Awerbuck is set (May 8-10) and Mckee is a sure thing in the fall, just have to pick dates.
I would suggest putting in the miles and going to see Tom Givens at Rangemaster in Memphis. Well well worth it.
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