Range report
OK, I finally got it to the range yesterday, along with my brand new (day before yesterday) Ruger SR9c. I spent more time with the 9 than the 597 -- wasn't my choice -- I'd planned to spend about 2 hours with the .22, but some transportation issues came up and a frustrating confusing issue with the rifle (NOT its fault, but mine) that took me 45 minutes to solve, and learned a big lesson in the process. I'll save that story for later.
Anyway, I'll write a full report later in the weekend -- maybe tonight.
Briefly, for now, I shot about 100 rnds of 4 types of ammo (I had more, but lead bullets are not allowed at that range). About half of those were getting it sighted -- and it's still not perfect. If I'd had another hour --- and a longer range (this was an indoor range, 25 yds max) ...
Suffice to say, I'm extremely pleased with it so far. There were three ammo failures, all the same ammo : Winchester Varmint 26 gr -- rifle didn't seem to like it; it wouldn't reliably cycle; I had to manually eject three of ten (I only shot ten). All other rounds functioned flawlessly; no issues.
And I'm happy to say that I think I've got a very nice rifle.

Tack driver? Time will tell, but I predict it will be. I think it's way more accurate than I am. [Note: this is the first rifle shooting I've done in almost 6 years --- yes, yes, I've been deprived; it's been a horribly tough five years; don't get me started.] So I'm way out of practice, and would value some instruction by some of you that are better, more experienced shooters than me. I'll post some questions in a later post.
Here's the second target, once I got sighting to a passable place. I'll explain more about it later. Oh, and the shots in the white area between black targets were purposeful, so I could see where I was hitting. (I didn't want to pull the target back because it takes too long to settle down and quit swinging on the mechanical travel thingee.)
Seems to me that it likes CCI Minimag pretty well. AE is American Eagle.
I was particularly pleased that I did so well with the free-hand (no bench rest) at the end -- the last magazine at the bottom. Yes, I was aiming at the printed material at the bottom, so I was far away from the other targets that were bench stuff. Not great, admittedly, but for a new rifle and being so out of practice, I was happy to have even that grouping.
Oh, all of this was at 4X on my Leupold VX-1 2x7x28mm. Next time, I'll dial it up to 7 for a try.