Great pistol, Mark...wear patterns seem to match throughout the gun so maybe the arsenal just replaced springs etc. But as they broke all of the guns down to their integral parts, during overhaul, there's little chance of commonality.
Here's mine, a Remington-Rand like yours. I've had it for almost three decades now, having bought it from a local guy. It was still in the DCM cardboard box from the '60's when I got, of course is long gone. I'd estimate it at 90% condition, so I'm guessing it didn't see much time down in the mud, blood, & beer of combat. Most of the sharp edge wear is from holster use....and BTW, mine too has a blued bbl.
I also had an RR for a portion of my 1st tour in Vietnam 1970, issued to me through Army channels to the Special Forces camp that I called home. It was in similar condition to yours, and was absolutely reliable with GI ball. The USAF issued me a model 15 S&W, .38 Special....nice gun but the SF guys I worked with pointed out (with a lot of laughter), that I needed something heavier if I ever had to use it.....good advice, that....
Have some fun with it, new 16# recoil spring and good mags are probably a good idea, but I'd caution not to reduce handloads REALLY REALLY don't want to get a jacketed bullet stuck in the bore. Starting loads should be OK...for me,,, I use 5.3 gr of 231 with 230 gr FMJ's. This is just under 800 fps...easy on the gun & plenty for plinking etc. Best regards, Rod