Ron Paul Mega-Thread (Mergeness)

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With all of the outrage mounting regarding the immigration legislation, Ron Paul's handlers need to wake up and take advantage of this. The only other GOP candidate to really take a stand on immigration, IIRC, was Tancredo.

With all of the outrage mounting regarding the immigration legislation, Ron Paul's handlers need to wake up and take advantage of this.

Another winner!

If Paul DOES, then I might believe he has what it takes to win.

It's shooting fish in a barrel.

If he doesn't, I'll be further convinced -- not that he wouldn't be an interesting and even a great choice for President, but that he will never get close enough for anyone to find out.

You've got to get there, first.
Funny how the press never mentions him unless they get ahold of something they think can sink him. Not to mention a few die-hard detractors around these parts....
What's that old saying? A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth gets it's shoes on?
Speaking as a guy who's seen the actual interview, I'll just say this: I wouldn't link my candidate to this thread's original article if I were you.

Not only is he *not* running away from this story, it's headlined on his campaign webpage. Please keep talking about this story :D
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Please keep talking about this story

he was on an interview on FOXNEWS today, and at first the interviewer (can't remember his name,) was digging him hard about how if he meant for violent measures or not, and Ron calmly explained to him (through constant interruption) his own policy and views.

It was a good interview... :)

he told the interviewer that no matter how much he disliked the irs he didn't have the power to just abolish it, but that he would work with congress the constitutional way and have legislation started to outlaw income taxes, and repeal the 16th if possible.
I haven't read all of the replies, but there are some that think this is somehow bad, both his own supporters and critics. It's like the so-called screwup in the second GOP debate, this is only going to get Paul more exposure and open more eyes. No harm done, none at all. In fact, in my opinion the MSM would have been smarter to just let this slip throught the Paul gets to make them look like fools again, while making more people aware that there exists a candidate that really does look out for the People's interests rather than big government's.
Thank You, PCOSMAR

Another one of those things I like about him. No "handlers"
He has been on top of it for years, One voice calling in the wilderness.

Thank you for showing me the way. I have not yet fully reseasrched his views.

I did call his office yesterday just to verify his take on this issue.

Me - "I am one of Congressman Paul's constituents. I certainly hope Congressman Paul will oppose this legislation when it reaches the house."

His staff - "You're kidding, right? How long have you been following Dr. Paul's record?"

I was not offended by the reply.

Paul was on Attack of the Show last night on G4. Looked decent they mostly asked him about the internet votes. He said that he thought the government should not be allowed to regulate the internet in any way.
Didn't we just go through all this nonsense when he made his comments in the second debate that Giuliani went into a hissy fit over ?

Some folks here would have you believe that Ron Paul simultaneously 1) has no chance because nobody knows him, and 2) has just undermined his chances with the masses because of an unpopular comment (the same masses that supposedly don't exist).

Ron Paul is the best qualified for the job, in my opinion. Just because he made a comment that might offend the sensibilities of some of the mainstream vote-who-the-media-tells-us-to-vote-for-folks doesn't change anything. I expect a man of conviction and courage to say unpopular things now and then. Otherwise, you just have a tell-them-what-they-want-to-hear Kerry wannabe.
Ron Paul is "out there"? I'm sorry, but for those that condone their gov't stealing from our paychecks before we even see it is "out there". Those that are fine with that have serious issues and I question their understanding and acceptance of this great country.
Let me remind everyone that this country is a government of the people, by the people and for the people and the power to control it is vested not to those we elect, but to those which are it's legal citizens and descendants. We are not subjugate to anything or anyone but God. For those that disagree I have no sympathy for you and you are existing in the wrong place.
Because of his opinion regarding the Browns, Dr. Paul is now on my list of Great American heroes. For those that condone the current tax system and oppose Dr. Paul and the rest of us......well, at least we'll know who the tories are.
Otherwise, you just have a tell-them-what-they-want-to-hear Kerry wannabe.

And the naysayers should remember: Kerry lost, fair & square.
Instead, we got the horrible public speaker, the fundamentalist posterchild, the warmonger, the bull-head, the draft dodger, the "a vote for Jim Crow" candidate.
It would appear that electability isn't everything we're supposed to believe it is.
I don't think Ron has a chance. I would, however, be damned happy to be proven wrong :D

perhaps that is the advantage of political pessimism: being wrong is SOO nice. :evil:

On a more serious note - if he can drag serious discussion of the issues into the fray that will be enough for me. Make the candidates actually come clean with their positions on issues
If RP makes it to the canidacy, he'll get my vote. In the primaries, he's still a possibility for my vote.
By the way, y'all might want to watch the actual interview, review this press article, and re-think your propensity to accept the legitemacy of a news article that doesn't have an author's name on it.
Honestly, some people are so gullible...
Have you looked at your paper "money" lately? It's backed by nothing, it's only paper and ink. The feds are having it printed at an alarming rate, out of thin air. So tell me again, when they already print extra out of thin air whenever they feel like it, in any amount, why income tax is necessary?

For each ounce of gold in the treasury, there's 38,000 dollars. Gold's price is 800 an ounce. See anything wrong there?
By the way, y'all might want to watch the actual interview, review this press article, and re-think your propensity to accept the legitemacy of a news article that doesn't have an author's name on it.
Honestly, some people are so gullible...

You're right.

The real interview makes Ron Paul look pretty good. Good enough for a donation, maybe.

I stand corrected.
For each ounce of gold in the treasury, there's 38,000 dollars. Gold's price is 800 an ounce. See anything wrong there?

Yes. If we go back to a gold standard, we'll all lose 98% of all our wealth! All my dollars would only be worth 2 cents! Save us Jebus!

Alright, so that's probably not how it would work. The gold standard thing is one issue I'm not real sure about. Getting rid of the IRS and the Income Tax, there's an issue I can get behind!

Income taxes are responsible for the transformation of the federal government from one of limited powers into a vast leviathan whose tentacles reach into almost every aspect of American life. Thanks to the income tax, today the federal government routinely invades our privacy, and penalizes our every endeavor.

The Founding Fathers realized that “the power to tax is the power to destroy,” which is why they did not give the federal government the power to impose an income tax. Needless to say, the Founders would be horrified to know that Americans today give more than a third of their income to the federal government.
-Ron Paul,
Jan. 30, 2003
For each ounce of gold in the treasury, there's 38,000 dollars. Gold's price is 800 an ounce. See anything wrong there?
Yes I do, and its called devaluation and inflation. The buying power of gold is stable the dollar is not.
Once upon a time one ounce of gold was $20.00 and a nickel would buy you a good dinner with change left over.

Is that ALL the dirt they have on him? :rolleyes: My God, sounds like a monster.
Ron Paul is feared by so many people, people that see their huge fortunes threatened by his views. If the man should win, his policy, specially concerning foreign countries, would mean billions and billions worth of loss for many powerful people, I'm surprised no one tried to kill him yet, I suppose they think he has no chance of winning.
Wouldn't it be great if he DID win?:D

Ron is still our best option. Think of all the utterly dumb things GW has said by comparison.'s just a damned piece of paper...

The piece of paper that he's sworn to uphold the values of....
Are you being facetious?

No. The interview made him sound really good.

Does that mean I think he can win the primary? No, I really don't think so. There are many reasons for that.

But he's a reasonable-sounding, intelligent, articulate, authentic man. Definitely doesn't sound like a wacko, which is more than I can say for a lot of the people in the libertarian camp.

Ron is still our best option. Think of all the utterly dumb things GW has said by comparison.

But Ron Paul didn't sound utterly dumb. And GW has sounded utterly dumb even when he wasn't actually being utterly dumb.
If Dr. Paul doesn't get the nomination, he'd better start working on his speech and get it polished up some. Because if history does repeat its self, a good speech at the GOP convention could make him the candidate in 2012.
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