Round butt combats


Jan 4, 2007
mckinney tx
So my buddy has a 686-4 I believe that’s a no lock forged real deal bad boy 2.5 seven shot. I bought a brand new one as my new EDC. I wanted the combats on it but we all know they get expensive. So I bought some cheap Thai copies on big auction site for 50 bucks. They’re ok.. finger grooves not correct but they have that combat flavor and for 50 bucks free shipping I can’t complain. But then I thought.. screw it- get some good ones. Got the NC ordnance walnut combats that YT’s big swoll58 says are as nice or better than factory 350.00 stocks. They’re pretty dang nice for 155.00! I’ve got 3 coats of gunstockdoctor wax on them and the 686 should be here tomorrow or Monday. Stay tuned… IMG_7214.png IMG_7212.jpeg IMG_7213.png
Very nice! There is nothing wrong with Thai stocks. These nc ordnance are overseas too. They wouldn’t tell me specifics top secret!
There are a lot of variations in S&W combat grips as far as finger grooves, profiles, and medallions.
Lots of nice looking combats here
This is my only set, on a 627-0.
I found out through the forum that these are late slab side combats with medallion.

Here’s the gun and both sets of stocks. The cheapies clear the HKS speedloader. The “factory” combats— no way! Went ahead against better judgement and got the Dremel out and made clearance. Took a touch too much in one spot. Purely cosmetic. I think a little wood wax stick will fix it. This is my new edc with all the sweat, dirt, spilled coffee etc so I can look past the yoke gap, finish scratches, slightly “canted” rear sight blade. Good things— great great trigger. Barrel alignment is good. Function is perfect. I’m happy.


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Love finger grooved combats on K&L and N frames, round or square. They fit my hand really good. In my eye, they look really good too. I try to get and keep the grip type of grips, my vintage S&Ws were originally shipped with. Any original, vintage S&W grips, in good condition, are going to be priced high, that is especially true with the FG combats. Culina makes very nice S&W Coke bottle and FG combat grips, out of some really nice woods. They are not cheap but well worth it.
This is a set of originals I found that were ok as far as dents, scratches and chips, but the varnish was dull looking and chipping off. I stripped them down with lacquer thinner, buffed them with 00 steel wool and put sever coats of true oil on them. I put them on a 17-6, that had it’s original grips replaced with target grips. Makes it look and handle better.