So my buddy has a 686-4 I believe that’s a no lock forged real deal bad boy 2.5 seven shot. I bought a brand new one as my new EDC. I wanted the combats on it but we all know they get expensive. So I bought some cheap Thai copies on big auction site for 50 bucks. They’re ok.. finger grooves not correct but they have that combat flavor and for 50 bucks free shipping I can’t complain. But then I thought.. screw it- get some good ones. Got the NC ordnance walnut combats that YT’s big swoll58 says are as nice or better than factory 350.00 stocks. They’re pretty dang nice for 155.00! I’ve got 3 coats of gunstockdoctor wax on them and the 686 should be here tomorrow or Monday. Stay tuned…