Rudy Giuliani on GUNS (last night on Hannity)

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"They" really are good at getting us all to think and talk about candidates and issues that won't mean a thing, or even be around, come this time next year. While we pick lint out of our navels, the people we should be focusing on right now continue to do an amazing job of screwing up our present world. Listening to the shallow pandering of both Left and Right, Rino and Dino, is about as enlightening as listening to Ms. America pledge to dedicate her life to finding a cure for restless leg syndrome. SHUT UP! (them, not you :) )
Rudy and McCain both have unacceptable records on the gun issue. The way to defeat them is to talk to family and friends who are Republicans and convince them come primary time to get out and vote.

Calling the GOP HQ to complain will do no good. It is a matter left to the voters. However friends we are the voters and all we can do is influence those we know to get behind a pro gun candidate. If we don't do that we will get what we deserve for our inaction.
I'd love to see Ron Paul win the Republican Primary in New Hampshire, and freak out the Republican Leadership. And I think that is a possibility. The problem is that the Republican Party Leadership would "Buchanan" him (meaning the Republican Leadership Deep-Sixed Buchanan when they figured out he wasn't beholden to big business, all other issues, and with Buchanan I have many are irrelevent).

I'd wouldn't terribly mind a Tancredo although the Republican Leadership would do the same to him.

Chances are the Republicans will get Romney or McCain, and loose in a dismal example of how not to treat your base. Then, atleast 4 years we will have either Clinton or Obama, horrible choices for the future of America.

The only chance the Republicans have is to get a populist candidate with a right lean (or stronger) who nevertheless is anti-Iraq War (whether phased reduction, or pull out now), pro-secure borders, and wants to secure the border, and will atleast promise to attempt preserving social security (although that is a lost cause).

The Democrats will have some key weaknesses, but those weaknesses have to be attacked effectively. If you have a Mitt Romney, Guilliani, McCain up there, they will not.

But get a Republican talking about illegal immigration, SS benfits to illegals (something the Dems support), who talks about pulling out of NAFTA, and talks about can show he has been against the war from the beginning (that would be a descriptions of Paul) and the Republicans will stand a chance.

I ain't holdin' my breath. Although I've already volunteered for Paul's campaign.
John Edwards needs to go back to playing with his action figures in his mom's mult-million dollar basement. I have a better chance of getting elected in 2008 than he does, and I'm not even at the mimium age necessary to be President. Seriously, before signing on with the Kerry campaign in 2004, he got, what, 8% of the primary vote? Does he plan on riding that momentum to victory in '08? :D
Dense Cities?

A stat I heard, but can not confirm, is that 80 percent of the people in the U.S. live in a city of a million or more.

So, if gun rights don't apply in a "dense city," . . .

I rather have Hillary or Obama as President than McCain, Giuliani, or Romney. The Republicans look like they are going to strike out in 08. Personally, I have a feeling I will be not voting in 2008.
If McCain were the Governor of Arizona, he'd be a shoe-in -- whether I like it or not. But he's not; he's a Senator.
I think letting the Democrats win the election in 2008 is part of the Republican's long-term strategy. Maybe after two years of Hillary leading a Democratic-controlled congress they can take back congress, just as they did in 1994, then take back the presidency in either 2012 or 2116, depending on whether Hillary implodes or not.
Bottom line, I suspect that we will get the shaft again and have two unattractive (that has nothing to do with Clinton's looks) candidates in '08.
Sounds like Hannity was being a good soldier for the establishment by having him on to try and talk us into liking him.

Did Colmes stand up to this crap at all (obviously Colmes isn't pro 2nd, but did he stand up to Hannity's obvious use of his program to make Guliani look good)?
I used to like Mr. Jiuliani until I heard him speak on Hannity & Colmes. Mr. Gingrich is probably the only real choice. He's truly outstanding in every way and is exactly what we need today.
The reality is that we are doomed in 08. It may be better for us to let the Dem-liberals win the WH, hope America sees it's folly, and rights the ship in 2012.

Where is Fred Thompson when you need him?

The reality is that we are doomed in 08. It may be better for us to let the Dem-liberals win the WH, hope America sees it's folly, and rights the ship in 2012.

I believe that this is the game plan being laid out by the RNC.
I notice that all of the talk show hosts are pimping Giuliani hard, including the Fox folks except for Glenn Beck who is pimping Romney who, like Beck, is Mormon by some strange coincidence. I suspect that Beck will get on the Giuliani bandwagon soon, if ya know whudd ah means.;)

Problem with Guiliani is that by changing party to Democrat he would instantly become the perfect Democrat candidate. Explain why republicans would willingly field the opposition party's perfect candidate.

When I see a picture of Edwards I think cotton candy and Gumby. Do not dismiss Edwards. His chief value is he has no record or substance and he is malluable(?sp). He can easily be adapted to the issues at hand.
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