"Ruger 10/22 not accurate"

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Your right about try'n some match ammo. if you can find a bow of wolf and sk around to try should show what it can do. Seems to be a brand that shoots well in most any .22 rifle.

Maybe after all this years you may have some copper or lead build up also. Might be worth while to try to clean the barrel as if it is copped or leaded. I will soak a barrel with kroil over night and then jb on a vfg pellet to start to scrub it clean.

I don't shoot copper plated bullets and mostly only wolf/sk and even with the highly lubed bullets I was suprised how much trash I could pull out of my kidd barrel after 1000 rounds. Threw my bore snakes away.
A stock 10/22 from my experience is acceptably accurate for average less than 100yrds shooting. But it doesn't have anything on marlins. Marlins out of the box are crazy accurate, The ones ive shot are dime at 25yrds and about 1 1/2 in or tighter at 100. My 10/22 prior to mods was quarter at best at 25yrds. Now its better than a marlin and I only did a trigger job, installed a crossbolt through the reciever and got a new stock and modified it so it was a tight fit wrapped with paracord. So all in all, inaccurate? No, Just not as good as others in my experience.
M91/30 Spot on with a marlin 60 and 795. Son-in-law and a buddy hve 795's and both well shoot dime size 25yard groups.. many guys also fully bed ruger barrels and flot the reciever and that makes for good shooters. Accurate in a box stock affordable rifle. Most bolt rifles and marlin.
Concur with the Marlin; my Marlin 795 is definitely more accurate than my 10/22. I do prefer the "feel" of the 10/22, but the Marlin gets shot way more. Kind of wishing I'd bought another when the rebate was on.
That 50 yard target is 'not good'.

'not accurate'.

I have a Marlin 60, and a Remington 597 which will both outshoot that without question.
I bought my 10/22 last year. I would say it's very accurate providing I do my part. I do have an old Marlin 81 DL Circa 1953 or there abouts that I do believe will outshoot the 10/22 at 100yds. I'm in the stage of rebuilding the pickup action on it at the moment but when I'm done I'm going to have a 100yd 22caliber shootout.
rifles 003 (640x480).jpg
They certainly are hunting accurate and can be made casual competition accurate. Beyond that and every last drop starts to count and you get to where 0.01" makes a big difference and the 10-22 no longer is consistent enough to hold it's own.

I will say this thread is a good example of why I have lost much of my desire to shoot paper with an optic from a bench. There seems to be a much friendlier attitude among those shooting either from position or those shooting at steel, at least online. When it comes to paper punching with a magnified optic, everyone seems to want to put down anyone that doesn't do it their way, regardless of what their way happens to be. I've never had a single person belittle my way in either position shooting or steel shooting. Had lots of friendly advice and pointers when a better approach may have existed but nothing like the insults thrown around in this thread.
IMO the factory stock 10/22s are about as accurate as other semi .22s in the general price range. My Marlin 795 is probably a little better than my 10/22, my Armscor M20 probably a bit worse. All are less accurate than my .22 bolts in the same price range (Rem 580, Savage Mk2).

The 10/22 also seems to be improved quite a bit with almost any aftermarket barrel.

The 10/22s have a large and loyal following of course, and for many good reasons - but exceptional factory accuracy is not one of those reasons.
My Marlin 39A will outshoot my 10-22, no problem, but the Ruger is "rabbit head" accurate out beyond 75 yards and just doesn't fail to function. It does what it is supposed to do.
My 10/22 is extremely accurate and is my favorite rifle. I did some trigger work and got it to 3lbs and it shoots so much better now. Follow up shots are much more accurate and I can even burst quite effectively. If you don't own one, buy one. You will be happy. I put 250 rounds through mine today in 10 minutes.
+1 on trigger work and another +1 on 10/22s being alot of fun. They are made to be tweaked, as there are many uses for a .22 SA; and I think that's where the stock Ruger sits. Some want to plink, some want to get out the mic.
Depends on the use and the shooter and the individual 10/22. The picture is a bit out of focus, but this is one of the best groups I have managed to coax out of my stock 10/22 Carbine and a cheap (free) 3-9x32mm scope. Ten rounds at 50-yds, benched, CCI Standard Velocity. Wolf MT doesn't shoot much better.


Now, compare to this group, fired at 100 yards, prone, with a Winchester 52 match rifle using Redfield Olympic aperture sights.


So I'll label my 10/22 fair, but not truly "accurate".

You're comparing apples to oranges but that doesn't make the 10/22 look that bad. 1.25" group with the 10/22 at 50yd is 2.5MOA. The Winchester 52 looks a bit over 2MOA.

Considering if the 52 were made today, it would cost several times what the 10/22 does, that's not bad.
the op's group is about what my 10/22 does at 25 yards but that really isnt that impressive. as a kid I used to shoot at empty 22 casings at twice that range and hit them about 70% of the time with a marlin 60... horrible gun that jammed and only ate brass or copper plated ammo but man it was accurate. I can't do that with my 10/22. that kind of shooting is just beyond the capabilities of the average 10/22 and requires a great deal of modification to do so. I don't claim that the 10/22 is inaccurate, I merely claim that a marlin 60(at least the older ones) is more accurate. 25 yards mostly in the bullseye is still a dead squirrel though. '
nough said
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