Your right about try'n some match ammo. if you can find a bow of wolf and sk around to try should show what it can do. Seems to be a brand that shoots well in most any .22 rifle.
Maybe after all this years you may have some copper or lead build up also. Might be worth while to try to clean the barrel as if it is copped or leaded. I will soak a barrel with kroil over night and then jb on a vfg pellet to start to scrub it clean.
I don't shoot copper plated bullets and mostly only wolf/sk and even with the highly lubed bullets I was suprised how much trash I could pull out of my kidd barrel after 1000 rounds. Threw my bore snakes away.
Maybe after all this years you may have some copper or lead build up also. Might be worth while to try to clean the barrel as if it is copped or leaded. I will soak a barrel with kroil over night and then jb on a vfg pellet to start to scrub it clean.
I don't shoot copper plated bullets and mostly only wolf/sk and even with the highly lubed bullets I was suprised how much trash I could pull out of my kidd barrel after 1000 rounds. Threw my bore snakes away.