Ruger Wrangler Birdshead: is this brand new?

IIRC last year the birdshead grip models weren’t available on the Wrangler. Is my recollection correct?
I bought a TALO birdshead wrangler just before I moved in June of 23. That particular model was already discontinued and I got an OK deal on it. Not sure if that was the first birdshead wrangler, or when that model was released though.
I bought a TALO birdshead wrangler just before I moved in June of 23. That particular model was already discontinued and I got an OK deal on it. Not sure if that was the first birdshead wrangler, or when that model was released though.

I bought one of these also, before the other models with the stock plastic grips came out. They appear to still offer it as model 2030 on the website.

It does okay; every now and again it will kind of "hitch" on the transfer bar but not a huge deal for a range toy/fun gun. Maybe one day I'll put some effort into figuring it out and resolving it... but honestly, probably not.

I have an older original Wrangler that exhibits no such issue. Both shoot straight and don't appear to have "cerakote in the crown" issues that some have reported.

The birdshead grip and 3.75" barrel length make it more pocketable than the plowhandle version I have. Kind of like a bare-bones Bearcat, if you will. Less weight, too.