Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.
Mea culpa - I'm not an engineer, nor do I play one on TV. I'm not even sure I'm asking the right questions.
I'm looking to spend some Santa money on a safe... the safe in question weighs 940lbs empty, and measures 41"x27" (7.69 sq ft). I intend to put the safe on a raised floor (3/4" plywood over a crawl space), and placed against an exterior wall.
My concern is that when it is fully loaded, the safe will be too heavy for the floor. This is based on "Wow! 940lb is a lot!" - nothing more.
So... Am I fine, and worrying about nothing?
Put some post jacks under the floor where the safe will sit and carry on?
Look for a safe that weighs less?
Forget the safe and spend the money on the rifle build I have been daydreaming about?
Mea culpa - I'm not an engineer, nor do I play one on TV. I'm not even sure I'm asking the right questions.
I'm looking to spend some Santa money on a safe... the safe in question weighs 940lbs empty, and measures 41"x27" (7.69 sq ft). I intend to put the safe on a raised floor (3/4" plywood over a crawl space), and placed against an exterior wall.
My concern is that when it is fully loaded, the safe will be too heavy for the floor. This is based on "Wow! 940lb is a lot!" - nothing more.
So... Am I fine, and worrying about nothing?
Put some post jacks under the floor where the safe will sit and carry on?
Look for a safe that weighs less?
Forget the safe and spend the money on the rifle build I have been daydreaming about?