Scantily Clad women and gun advertisements. acceptable or not?

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When I want guns, I want guns.

When I feel like looking at "Scantily Clad women" I feel like looking at that lol.

Now let's not mix the two up.
It would not bother me if the only thing covering them up was the guns, its really not a big deal. You do not have to worry though I am sure they will make a law prohibiting it soon enough. like someone else stated; don't go to the beach :eek:
Face it folks. As much as it may be "anything goes" there is an awful lot of prudeness floating around wrapped entirely in "morality" from the 30's, and we all know where legislating morality gets us, right? At least I hope most of the people here are against legislating morality. I really do hope.
What is legal and what is moral are not necessarily the same thing. Forgetting that when it comes to restricting constitutional rights is a dangerous game.

Let them publish what is legal. You don't have to buy the magazine. The consumers will decide what they want.
My LGS put a calendar together and thats all I hear about now is how well their calendar is doing when I'd really like to hear about what ammo sales they are running. It's really annoying.
While I don't like blatant sex in advertising, I wouldn't dream of trying to prohibit it.

A long time ago, someone told me that a Puritan was someone who knew, deep in their heart, that somewhere out in the world, someone was having fun. And it was wrong.

I try very hard not to be a Puritan. :)
Somewhat I like it. However, remember that surveys show young people and women are the majority of new shooters. Why alienate potential allies against gun control/anti-hunting?
I have cancelled subscriptions because of "enhancement" ads, scantily clad women, and ads that combine booze with guns. All things I don't need my kids seeing.
I don't have a problem with it. Nice looking guns go well with nice looking women. It's better than some dude holding it.
You can not put your kids ahead of the rights of other people. YOU are responsible for censoring what your children are exposed to, not society.
This has been a most revealing subject, pardon the pun. I now have a very good idea of the age range on this forum. I'ts very much like my church: there is a ever present group of "turtles", all very senior, all very much in the long-ago past. Shades of the old Hollywood Purity Code.
As for me, I'll continue to look forward to the Blue Press every month.
Watch it there splithoof!!! I'm IN the OLD group!!! I just happen to choose to live in the real world and not in some puritanical religious fog. My question to some is, so what if your kids see's a hot chick in a bikini? There are MUCH worse things that they see every day at school. Please do not try to tell me what is OK for MY children to view. I personally teach my kids to be very comfortable with their sexuality. Prudish, restricting, overbearing, 1940's thinking will get you one thing when it comes to teenagers, REBELLION!!! 99% of the time! Do what you wish with your kids, it's your problem. But do not DARE to attempt censorship based on the premise "I don't want my kids to see it".
So far roughly 24 people dont like the adds and roughly 57 people do like the adds.

I just don't see a girl in a bikini and say, "Man I need that gun!"

I tend to read reviews, read specs and make an informed decision.

That is why girls in bikinis with guns does not bother me- go on youtube, you can find some very comical videos.

Sophia Vergara does not persuade to drink Diet Pepsi- I like Diet Pepsi, so I buy it.

On the other hand, I don't use because Danica Patrick is gross.... :p
No, I don't mine I love women with, or with little, or no clothing at all. What would be immoral and stupid would be to purchase a gun or any product at all based on a bikini. I sure as heck do not buy soap, deodorant, or beer based on the commercials I see. If it works it works, and it is obvious that sex and sexy sells in a capitalistic society like the one we all live in. If it offends you than stand up for your beliefs and principals do not purchase those products have the intestinal fortitude and stick to your moral and ethical values.
That's my understanding as well. We had a visitor from Europe who was shocked at the violence on our TV. It seems that is somewhat censored in Europe, by comparision.

I think you are onto something as sexual morality in the US is kind of screwed up. It reminds me of when I used to be religious, my Bible study men's group would watch movies together. These guys would fast forward through sex or topless scenes to stay "pure", but would rewind the bloodiest killing scenes in Braveheart and We Were Soldiers to watch them again. Sex and violence are the base urges of most males so to label the former as immoral and the latter as acceptable entertainment makes no sense.

As for the magazine ads, it doesn't offend me but it is a big waste of advertising money. I have never paid money for a gun mag or bought a product based on a gun mag ad, sexy or not.
MP5's aren't allowed at the beach.
Ever been to Israel?

As far as ads like this proving the country being in a handbasket heading for a very hot unpleasant location, I have several relatives who worked in the Ridgid Tools factory so their calendars were always in big demand and that was 40 years ago. For those who never saw them they would have some scantily clad woman with 4 foot monkey wrench at shoulder arms or working a drill press. They have been publishing that calendar for 75 years.

My personal opinion is people should worry a lot more about what they are doing rather than what others are doing and Oleg's ads are great.
I don't have a problem with sex in advertising; it's just one of those things that makes absolutely no difference to me. Do I look? Sure. I'm a middle-aged American male with a pulse, of course I look.

But I don't buy a firearm, or any other product, based on the merits of their advertising campaign. When I spend my money, I rely on personal experience and independent product reviews to make my decision.

If the product does not have a USP - unique selling proposition -
uncreative advertisers will resort to make an ad "emotional".

Which basically means some cheap model smiling at you, while
the headline says: "Product will make you happy".
( Not like a BJ from me ... but similar....)

This is the lowest level of crapvertising.

(.. did i mention i work in an agency....?)
I think it's tacky and low class. But if they want bikini girls in their ads, it's their business.

A calendar is different.

Tell me why I should buy a product. Not "Look! A bikini girl holding a product!"
I just don't see a girl in a bikini and say, "Man I need that gun!"

Thats never the intention though.

What they girl in the bikini does is get people to stop and read the review, article, features of the gun etc. Basically, while randomly flipping through the book they want something that makes you stop and say "Hey what's that?". By the time that you've stopped, and are looking at the ad, the model has already done her job. It all just to get you to stop and actually look, because realistically most people are very good at mentally tuning out advertisements. Guys are less good at tuning out attractive women though - hormones and such ;).
I must read different magazines or something. I remember seeing adds from Dillion, Kahr, and EAA with women in them, but I don't recall any of them being "scantily clad." Some of the models look like they're holding a dead possum or something, but that's different.
I make it a point to never ever look at a gun ad that has a woman in it. And judging from the six pages of responses here everybody else does the same thing.
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