Shanghai McCoy
I have ...nevermind.
Been a member here too long, must not say what is screaming to be said in my head.:banghead:
Been a member here too long, must not say what is screaming to be said in my head.:banghead:
This is the same guy who lied about his service to his country right?
Kerry is an AVOWED Anti and is using one comment to feed another AVOWED Anti who set things up to get an Anti statement out of the interview.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Japanese college students and everything to do with the Administration's agenda being pushed by Kerry and CNN.
Don't be foolish enough to take the bait and be distracted by the foreign student line and realize that Kerry would make up this information to serve his master in the White House.
What john has are anecdotes, which are trumped by Kerry's misrepresented statistics. (<--that's sarcasm Kerry used what he said people told him. Personally I trust "john" more than I trust Kerry.)john
Really? I've hosted 7 foreign exchange students and several interns. NOT ONE OF THEM was scared of guns. They were excited to try shooting. They all, however, expressed their fear of the US Government trying to take over/control their countries. I guess we've talked to different people.
Contriving yet another angle to prop up the administrations all-out push for gun control,
I personally know a number of Japanese that come here to enjoy a little "gun freedom" that they don't have back home. I guess it balances out.